Chapter 17

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(it was originally supposed to have deadnaming and misgerndering but it doesn't now because deadnaming/misgendering is a very sensitive subject to some people apart of the lgbtqai+ and trans community. and as I person who is in those two communities, I feel that it's wrong for people who enjoy my book but still is sensitive to deadnaming/misgendering. you may now stay gay and slay while reading this chapter.)

I decided to wear a comfortable outfit for this picnic. I mean, it was just a picnic anyways. we successfully snuck past Wilbur and Tommy to find ourselves at a daisy field on the hill in the distance. the sun just about to set once I layed everything out. I was kinda disappointed because we wouldn't have much time but Charlie brought my mind off it. we both sat on the blanket and started eating our sandwiches. it was more of me eating and laughing at how Charlie ate.

Charlie just pushed the food into his stomach. it just floated there, ever so slightly moving up and down. a smile was spread across his face. After we were done eating, we started our conversation. Raine was pecking their bread.

"Y/N from Las nevadas, when quackity from Las nevadas dies, will you take over the casino with me?"
"I mean, it depends. I'm not sure who else quackity would give the privilege to. he doesn't have any other 'trusted' friends besides us."
when we were done, the sun was about to fully set so we needed to get back home.

"since the picnic was so short, do you want to have a sleepover?"
Charlie eagerly nodded his head. a smile spread across his face.


"hey fundy, where's quackity?"
the fox spun on his heel to look at me and Charlie.
"oh, he's in his office. I wouldn't suggest going inside. I saw Wilbur go in there not too long ago."
I nodded and dragged Charlie up with me.

"before we go to your room, do you want to visit the needle or have dinner first?"
"can we go to the needle?"
I nodded my head and went to the needle. Charlie said he really liked it up here because of the amazing view over Las nevadas. I couldn't agree more. it was beautiful, especially at night, when all the lights are on.

we both sat on the edge again, swinging our legs over the ledge. me and him just sat there in a comfortable silence and enjoyed the gorgeous view.


As I shivered a bit, I felt something drop on my shoulders. I look back to the boy. his jacket was missing and hung over my shoulders. he looked away, obviously embarrassed.

I was surprised. by his actions and that he's acting more human then I thought. I placed my hand to rest on top of his. a loving smile crept on my face. Charlie shot his eyes to look at me, then to our hands.

"quackity from last nevadas said to trust no one. but I trust you. is that bad?"
"what? of course not! but, this is nice. the lights shimmer like little stars and no one is interup-"
as if on cue, Raine chirps and a ping from the elevator came right after. the doors open to reveal, surprise surprise, quackity in the flesh.

"thought you guys would be here. how was your picnic?"
he asked, sitting next to me. I instantly lifted my hand from Charlie's.
"it was fine. I'm going to start on dinner. you guys can stay up here and talk. I'll come get you guys once it's done."


dinner was all done! it was just potatoes and steak. Charlie's jacket now rested on the island for him to find later.

I went up to the needle to find someone I really didn't want to see. Quackity was dripping with blood again while Charlie was pushed to the ground. he was curled up into a ball.

"where the hell are they?!"
I heard a British man shout.
"I told you this, I don't know! and if I did, I still wouldn't tell you shit!"

Wilbur was holding quackity by the collar, lifting him from the ground, and had his fist raised. I rushed over to Wilbur and grabbed his fists before he was able to punch him again.

big Q looked at me with pleading eyes. Wilbur turned his head to me, quackity still in his grip.
"dinner's ready. go get Charlie. I'll deal with this and clean you up later."
I whispered. my voice cracking ever so slightly.

he was dropped to the ground, hope in his eyes. Charlie followed the other male and left.

"Y/N! I knew I would find you here. are you hurt? did he hurt you? I know how much of a dickhead quackity is. you should've told me th-"
he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"shush shush, just shut the fuck up. first off, get your hands off me. second, why- no how did you know I was here?"

"that doesn't matter. c'mon, let's go home. everyone's waiting for you, d/n"
"home? home?! ohhh. Mr Wilbur soot, I think you must've gotten confused. I'm not that little 'girl' I was when I was a kid. I'm Y/N. that place isn't my home. this is. I don't think I actually know you. and who's everyone?"
"what do you mean? I'm your brother. everyone at your real home is your family."
"you must be mistaken. I don't have a biological family. Quackity and Charlie are the only people who I would see as family."

"Y/N, stop being stupid. did he manipulate you? I'm your brother, remember? I'm your real family. not those damn people."
"are you really trying to manipulate me? c'mon, you need to try harder then that. but oh wait, you can't since you don't know SHIT about ME. you only care about yourself. I'm not easily manipulated like Tommy,"

he seemed to actually feel hurt by the words that came out of my mouth.
"Mr Wilbur soot. I have a question. how do you think your son is doing? or do you even think about him? did you just forget about him? did you even know that he has a son? one that he cares about? something that you could never do."
wilbur clenched his hand into a fist. anger took the best of him.

he raised his fist, punching me. I seem to have pushed a sensitive button. then he grabbed my collar, the same way he did to quackity.
"don't you ever talk about him!"
since he was distracted by yelling at me, I took advantage of this. I quickly grabbed my radio and let my other co-worker and quackity listen to his screaming. before I knew it, Sam came from the elevator and dragged him out. fundy followed behind the male and came up to me.

"oh god Y/N, are you alright? what did he do to you? he's just crazy!"
"I'm fine, fundy. I know wilbur pretty well. I'll be fine."
I waved off his consern. he looked to his dad, disappointed.
"fundy I swear I-I can explain!"
he screached, trying to reach for his son as he was dragged out by Sam. the fox just looked away and lead me to the house safety after Sam left with the intruder.


when I got inside, quackity and Charlie looked at me. Charlie was about to hug me until he saw what happened. he still tried to help but just like fundy, I waved him off.

I went into the bathroom to clean what Wilbur had done. it was just a bruise. once I got out, I was bombarded with random questions.

"trust me, I'm fine. it's just a bruise. it'll heal. it's getting late, c'mon Charlie. we need should probably get to sleep. plus I need to work tomorrow. oh yeah, quackity? by any chance, could I take foolish's shift?"
"what? why would you want to take foolish's shift?"
"because I didn't work today and I'll be alright to take his since he took mine today."
he seemed a bit annoyed. but that didn't really bother me. I do owe foolish an apology.

The memories we hadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ