" Look Gudiya what I have brought for you"

" I don't want it."

" At least have one scoop. You know if your chachu comes to know he won't let me have it. Please have it with me. "

I nodded at her. I know she is lying. Whenever I am upset she always bring ice cream to lift my mood. She handed me cup. We started having. Suddenly she asked,

" Won't you tell your secret partner what happened?"

I nodded in no. And continue having my Ice cream. She put her bowl beside me and hugged me. 

" I know something happened also that you won't tell us. But what about Hukum? You know he will come here and will ask for an answer then what will you do?"

That is when I realized that he will not leave this matter like this. But I can't tell him. So  I have to make up some story. 

But when he comes I am not able to say anything. His eyes was telling that he is hurt. Also in flow I didn't realized what I am saying and that is when I hurt him. Which I never wanted to do. 

He left the place. Bhai asked me what I have said,

" Gudiya, that was not right. Haven't you seen how much he loves you? You have the right to hurt him. Even if you don't want to marry him."

Tears started flowing in my eyes. Never even in my dreams I wanted to hurt him. But I did. And I did it in the most brutal way. But what I have said to him is paining more me than it is paining him. 

Everyone is telling me something but my Mind was only replying the words which I have said to him. But I know if I hadn't said that to him then he would have never left without an answer. Which I can't tell him. 

I was still standing and crying. Just then someone entered. I saw the person. I know who he is. But to my suprise Bhai also recognised him. 

" Vidhyut come." 

Bhai asked him to come. But to everyone's surprise he directly come to me and said,

" Don't tell me that you refused marry him."

" Vidhyut, how do you know all this?" Bhai inquired. 

" Arav called me and informed me about him being angry and this can only be the reason."

" Yes she did" 

" Fuck. How can you take her seriously, Advika. You should have talked to him. Before making any decision."

" What are you saying Vidhyut? Talk clearly."

" Sid I will tell you everything but for now please Advika come with me and talk with Abhimaan. You will get all your answer "

He looked at Bhai and said if you want you can also come. 

" No I won't go to him"

" Advika Don't  be stubborn and come just talk with him"

" How do you know all this"

" I will tell you later but now please come, his anger is something dangerous not only for Everyone else but for him also. "

" But she…"

Before I can continue Maa come to me and said, 

" Gudiya if you have refused him because someone has said something then you did very wrong beta. In our relationship we should never listen to someone."

" Yes, Gudiya your maa is saying truth if this is the case then you should talk to him." Papa supported maa.

" Look your parents are also supporting me now please come with me"

I looked at him and nodded. Bhai also decided to come.  

But before we can even step out of the house. Vidhyut's phone rang. His expression changed. He looked at me and then closed his eyes. Maybe he is calming himself. 

" I'll be there in a few minutes"  he said on call and cut it. He looked at me, 

" This is What I was saying, Advika. He met with an accident. "

His words made my head spin. I hold on bhai.  And cried harder, 

" This is all my fault Bhai, My fault."

But Vidhyut said to, 

" It's not your fault. We both are unlucky in terms of love. I thought he got someone. But how can I forget that they won't let him leave in peace "

" Vidhyut I don't think this is time to talk all this please let's go. " Bhai said.

I want to say so many things but words didn't come out of my mouth. This is all because of me. He was so good to me. But what I did to him. 

We reached the hospital. All the Rathore are present there. As soon as they saw me. They got angry. His mother and Choti ma were the most.  They started asking questions to him also get angry with him. But he never left my hand also took stand for me.

" Vidhyut Why did you bring her here? This is all because of her. Now he is in the hospital."

" I am not answerable to you Mrs. Rathore."

" Vidhyut bhai if this was a different case. We would never support Badi maa. But today she is correct."

" You don't know anything, Devang doesn't interfere."

" Vidhyut  you are answerable to me now answer me. What is she doing here?"

" You know me Choti ma. I won't support someone who is wrong. So understand she is not at fault"

" Why are you taking his side? What is she to you?"

" Don't put words in the wrong way. She is like a sister to me. And remember everyone is not like you Mrs. Rathore."

" Whatever, she won't meet my son." 

" I will see who will stop her."

" I will"

" Choti maa I do respect you but still I have to go against you. And I will go against you. Because it's about Abhimaan. So i want care  who is against me."

He argued with all of them. That is when the nurse came and informed us that he woke up. So he took my hand and took me inside with him. 

When Abhimaan asked him for whom he was arguing. He didn't reply but encouraged me to come forward. 

I looked at Abhimaan and couldn't control myself. I run to him and hugged him. After a few minutes I realized that he was not hugging me. So I broke a hug. 

" Won't you Hug me?"

I asked, looking at him. To which he replied that,

" We only hug people whom we love and Nobody loves me and wants me. So I won't hug anyone. I don't need a hug."

" Please I am sorry you can shout at me. Be angry with me. But don't please say like this. Please hug me."

"No I don't want to."

" Abhimaan don't be harsh. at least let her talk."  Vidhyut Bhai tried to support me.

" Why are you taking her side ?"

" Because I know the truth. Will you tell him Advika or should I tell."

I look down.

" Fine if you won't. I will tell. I don't care about anyone except him. So I will do that." 

He looked at Abhimaan and said,

"  Let me tell you …

Hope you like this update. 

And what will Advika do to gain forgiveness? And will Abhimaan forgive her?

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