"Well if Sakura-chan is heading home. I think I'll walk her." Dino said, rushing towards the door with Romano. The princess shook her head and chuckled a little at Dino's behavior as she watched him make his escape from Hibari.

Hibari on the other hand scoffed. "I expect you to take the ring and my duties tomorrow as well." he told her, putting the small item in his pocket. She glanced back at him. "Is that an order?" He raised an eyebrow at her trying to see if she was testing him. "A request." he gave in to her. She blushed and nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Kyoya." she said good night and headed off with Dino. She wouldn't see it but Hibari did smile a little to himself, liking the way it sounded when she said his name.

Day 2

Hibari met Dino and Sakura on the roof. Hibari, annoyed this morning for he hasn't had his cup of tea, went over to the princess and handed her the ring. "I leave things in your care." he told her in a very business-like manner. She nodded, took the ring and headed to his office. Dino glanced at the pair before he looked at Hibari.

"That was a bit harsh don't you think?" he asked him.

Hibari pulled out his tonfas, "It's none of your concern." he squared up against Dino.

"You're not jealous that I walked Sakura-chan home, are you Kyoya?" He teased the boy but instantly regretted it as Hibari went straight for his face.

Day 3

Hibari arrived at the school before Sakura this time. "Good morning." She greeted him, surprised to see him there so early. "You are to take over my duties until further notice." he told her, turning his back to her. "Why?" she asked. She knew the other Vongola candidates were training and that Tsunayoshi had been missing at school for three days now but she wasn't sure what exactly was going on.

Hibari didn't entertain her thoughts though. He glanced at her before saying, "Work with Tetsuya and make sure everything runs accordingly. Until my return you will act in my stead." With those orders he turned his back to her and headed to meet his opponent. At least that was his intention until he felt her grab his wrist.

With wide eyes he turned around and saw the cherry blossom princess holding his wrist. "Your ring?" she asked him. He normally would have yanked his wrist away but ever since New Year's he had developed a strange fondness for the Princess. She had become a herbivore that he wanted to protect. So he didn't pull his wrist away. Instead he let her hold on to it and turned to fully face her, allowing her to keep holding his wrist."I'll be holding on to it from now on. That herbivore on the roof keeps using the ring as an excuse to leave the fight at night. I plan on biting him to death today." he told her confidently.

He noticed it. She was inside the school without her school shoes on and he was ready to lecture her that was until he saw how short she really is without her shoes. Since she always wore heels around him or her indoor shoes she seemed to be average height. It always amazed him that she was so much shorter than a normal second year. He was suddenly reminded of what happened with the pineapple head.

What if he just leaned down and closed the space between them. She on the other hand was looking up at him. He was so close to her. Her holding his wrist and him facing her, there was barely any space between them. What if she closed the space between them. What if he leaned down... what if she stood on her toes... they were so close... that they could... just...ki...

Sakura let him go and turned away from him. He on the other hand felt his ears get warm and he turned his back to her. "I will be occupied, I leave my school in your hands." he told her putting his hands in his pocket. "I'll take care of it." she told him.

He headed down the hallway and it took every muscle in his body to not look back at her.

Day 4

Sakura and Tetsuya took care of the school, keeping everything in order.

Day 5

Sakura went ahead and beat up some students for bullying lower classmen.


The days began to blur. Sakura was feeling on edge as she sat at Hibari's desk filling out and reading over the paperwork. She knew where he was and she was dying to see him but that wouldn't be allowed. The girl knew that if she were to go see Hibari, that she would be nothing more than a distraction and Hibari would hate her for that. The school stayed quiet as the Disciplinary Committee went ahead and harshly enforced order around the school, in Hibari's absence. Sakura on the hand had gained access to Hibari's pet bird, Hibird. If she needed their fearless leader, Hibird would give him a visit. Sakura did her best to not bother him though. She knew he would be enjoying his fight and she didn't want to be the reason to bring him back to reality.

Soon enough Tsunayoshi and his friends returned to school and Sakura was greeted by Reborn for an update.

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