A Day With Matt and Gabby

Start from the beginning

Time skip 5:30 - 8:30 P.M.

While I get all her stuff together, Gabby takes her and puts her in the car. When I finish grabbing all her stuff, I walk out to the car and get in, and we head to my apartment. I already texted Jay and told him we are headed home, and he said alright. When we get home, we get out and go inside. Once we get inside, Caitlin is looking around at everything. She looks at the pictures in the living room. She walks into the halway, so I follow her so she doesn't get hurt, and Gabby goes into the kitchen to make dinner. She gets to the end of the hall where my bedroom is along with the guest bedroom and bathroom. The laundry room is at the beginning of the hallway. She turns into the guest bedroom and starts to look around until she spots a few pictures of different people. People from Med, PD, and Fire. She ran over and stopped just far enough so she could see them. I picked her up and walked closer so she could see them. She looked at them all with a big smile. After she looked at all the pictures and asked a lot of questions, she started squirming, trying to get down. I put her down, and she ran out into the kitchen. I laugh and shake my head and follow after her. I sit her bag on the kitchen counter. Caitlin comes over and reaches for her bag. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. I opened her bag, and she reached in and grabbed her small bag of toys. She opened it up and grabbed out a few toys, and handed me some, and we started playing. We played for a couple of minutes, and Gabby said, "Dinners ready. Matt, can you get the plates and silverware, please," Yeah, Catie, do you want to help me," I ask before standing up she nods and I sit her down on the floor and she runs into the kitchen. She gets distracted by the pictures hanging on the fridge. She pointed at one and said, "Dat you and Daddy," "Yeah, and who's your Daddy holding," I asked, looking at her with a smile as she looks at the picture. "Me," she says excitedly. "Yeah, that was your first birthday. When you had your first birthday, your dad made sure you got a picture with everyone so he could give to them as a thank you." I said. I glanced up and saw Gabby staring at us with a smile. "You have one, too, Gabby," Catie asked her. "I do, and if you look in the background of mine, you can see your uncle Will making a face." Gabs said as she made a weird face, and Caitlin laughed. I grabbed the plates and the silver wear, and we sat down to eat. After dinner, Gabby headed off to take a shower, so I took Caitlin in the living room, and we played with her toys till Gabby got out and when she did we switched me getting a shower and her playing with Catie. After I got out of the shower, we sat on the couch and started watching a movie. About halfway through the movie, we could tell Catie was getting tired because she wouldn't let herself sit still, so Gabby grabbed her blanket and bear and took her into the guest bedroom and stayed with her till she fell asleep then went to bed herself.

Time skip 12:30 A.M.

I stayed up a little while watching whatever was on TV waiting for Jay to come pick her up. It's a good thing I don't have work today. When I got a text from him saying, "Sorry I'm texting you so late I thought I could get off soon but it looks like this case is going to run late so I will just pick her up tomorrow."It's fine. I don't have work tomorrow. She's been great. I had no problems getting her to take a nap, and she's asleep right now." I reply. "Good. I was worried she would fight you on nap time. She loves bedtime, but nap time is a whole different story." He said I looked up when I heard the floorboard creak and saw Caitlin with her bear in her hand rubbing her eyes. I stand up and walk towards her. I crouch in front of her and ask, "What's wrong?"I had a bad dream." She said, which made me take notice of the tears stains on her face. "Do you want to talk about it." I asked. She shook her head and said, "Nuh-uh, I want my daddy." I pick Caitlin up and walk back to the couch and sit down with her in my lap. I texted Jay and asked if he's on break. He replies, "Yeah, why is something wrong."No nothings wrong, Catie, just had a nightmare and wants to see you." I replied, and about 2 minutes later, I got a FaceTime notification from Jay, and I answered it. As soon as Caitlin saw him, her eyes lit up, and she smiled. "Daddy," She said. "Hi baby, you ok." Uh-huh, I miss you." I miss you too." I sat there and let them talk for about 20 minutes till Jay said, "Catie, I've got to go back to work ok I'll see you later. Goodnight." Okay, goodnight. Love you." Love you too, baby," Jay said before the call ended. I looked at Catie and said, "Why don't you sleep with me and Gabby, huh?" Ok." I stand up with Catie in my arms and walk into my room and lay her in between me and Gabby and wait for her to fall asleep before falling asleep shortly after.

Time skip 8:30 - 10:30 A.M.

We all woke up 30 minutes ago and we are eating breakfast. Jay said he'd be here at 10:30, so we have an hour before he gets here. We have been playing for a while now. Jay just texted me and said he is on his way, so Gabby and I are cleaning up Caitlin's toys with a little help from Caitlin. We finished picking up her toys and are now sitting on the couch when there's a knock. I open the door and see Jay. I let him come in.

Jay's pov

I walked inside the apartment, and Matt led me to where Caitlin was. "Daddy, "she squealed when she saw me and started running towards me. I crouched down, and she ran into my arms. I picked her up and walked into the living room to say hi to Gabby. We talked for about 20 minutes until I decided to take Caitlin back home. I have the rest of the week off, so I'm going to spend time with Caitlin.

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