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Siwon's POV :-

Y/N was no longer recognizable. Her eyes were completely white and her teeth all pointed like daggers.

I did not understand what had happened. Was I the one who went crazy? Cold horror came over me and I backed away until I hit the wall with my back. But the worst was when Y/N spoke to me. Her voice sounded like two voices speaking simultaneously.

Y/N: "Anyone who tries to separate us... will burn in hell..." *in two voices*

The reverberation of her voice penetrated me and a bitter taste spread on my tongue.

It tasted like I ate something rotten. Her mouth twisted into a grotesque smile. Within a blink of an eye, she stood in front of me and grabbed me by the collar. I did not know where she took the power, but she picked me up without much effort and pushed me against the wall.

Siwon: "Y/N... PLEASE... stop!"

She tilted her head and laughed softly. Her laugh sounded almost like the crackle of fire.

Y/N: "Are you still want to separate us Siwon?"

I could not breathe anymore. A dark veil fell over my eyes. I did not get a word out. Furious, she flung me across the room.

Y/N: "What's up, Siwon? Did you swallow your tongue?"

I struggled to get up, but she stood in front of me again. She reached out with one hand. I closed my eyes. When nothing happened, I opened my eyes. Her hand was only a few inches from my face. Sharp, long white claws were on her fingers. She had caught the blow. Something in her eyes flickered.

Siwon: "You do not want that, I can see how you are fighting with yourself."

Y/N grabbed my face with one hand. A stinging pain shot through me as one

her claws cut into my cheek.

Y/N: "You're lucky we love you like a father, otherwise you'd be dead."

She let me go with a jerk.

Y/N: "Do you know what it feels like when nobody believes you? Do you know what it's like when someone is constantly trying to fix you even though you're not broken? And then someone wants to take away even the only person who was always at your side.

Believe me... That makes you DAMN angry."

Siwon: "We all here just wanted to help you.

" Y/N: "Aww how cute. But they only made it WORSE!"

She got up and went to the window. Siwon:

"Wait, where are you going?" I scrambled to my feet in pain and reached for her arm. What a mistake was. Without being touched, I was thrown in the air and hit the wall.

I still saw how my shirt was slowly soaked in blood, then everything around me turned black. I could still hear a window break.

Faye's POV

Faye: "Okay, stay calm Faye. The Lord is not that great either .... Uffffff .... he's great. Ahhhh stay focused"

I flitted through the clouds that hung over the city. My nervousness almost drove me crazy. Without realizing it, my shape had taken the form of a heart.

Faye: "AAAHHH! Devilish shit! Ok, I got it!"

A flash shot past me. I shook myself to get rid of the heart shape. As if that had not been enough, the Lord's voice thundered through the air and called for me. I quickly flew in the direction from which the voice came.

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