"You must need it" Austin called out. "She was up all night" I turned and smacked Calvin before grabbing the mug and walking straight to the elevator.

"Hey guys! I ordered breakfast" I heard Mason announce as I got out the elevator. I took another sip from the mug, I feel so alive now.

I walked into the kitchen, Mitchell had her week off, so we were left to make our meals.

"I hate Christmas" Cole mumbled, walking in and pulling the fridge open. "Stop being a Grinch, it's the best holiday" I replied.

He grabbed a bottle of water before turning back to me. "Look around Charlotte, does this look like Christmas?" He wasn't wrong but still...

"Oh please! There gonna be a reason for this witchcraft " I defended. "Yeah, I'll give you a reason, no one gives a fuck" he replied before walking off.

Great Saturday fucking morning.


"Not even the slightest elf sock. Oh come on! This is my dream house" Bianca said and I rolled my eyes.

"It's so boring"

"Be happy, Char. My house is worst than Santa's. I'm sure he doesn't even have that much Christmas spirit" she shuddered. "Lucky" I mumbled.

"Guess what, my secret admirer dropped another hint. He knows me too well" she giggled. "More bad poem?"

"It's getting worst"

I chuckled. "Hold that thought, I'm gonna go find snacks" she jumped over the couch and went to the kitchen.

I sighed, picking back up my phone, I went through my texts, then suddenly Carson walked in. "Where are you coming from?" I had to ask.

He stopped and shot me that flinty look. "How does that concern you?" Back to stage 00.1.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, getting up. He sure as hell gotta be kidding. "Look Charlotte, just stay outta my busineas" he wanted to walk out.

"Are you high on something? Does this attitude just come and go?" He paused but didn't turn back to me.

"What's with this hot and cold shit? I'm just trying so hard to care-"

"No one wants you to care, Charlotte" he lashed back and I felt the anger boiling inside me. "Well, I'm in charge of you"

"I don't give a fuck, just stay out of my business" Bianca walked in on our intense stare down before he walked away.

"What was that about?" She asked, munching from a bag of Doritos. I ignored her and sat back down. "Are you alright?" She walked to me.

"I'm fine" I muttered, wiping off the tear rolling down my eyes. "No, you're not. You've got tears in your eyes right now" she refused to believe.

"I don't" I wiped them off thoroughly without looking up at her. "I'm here for you" she pulled me to herself.

Curse that motherfucker.

After opening up to him and all those shit I said, he still had the balls to still be a dick.

Bound men!


I watched him through the window as he got into the unknown car. So, you think I was gonna let him go after the shit he did back there?

No, we had gotten past that stage and I had to get to the bottom of this.

I grabbed my coat and keys and hurried outside. I beeped the black corvette and got it open before hopping in and following that motherfucker.

I thought he was done with this shit but here he was acting mysterious as shit all over again.

Minutes later

They pulled up in some kinda bar and Carson got out and walked in but I didn't, I will wait and then confront him when he gets out.

I didn't know how long I sat there but it was long enough to give me numb butt.

I got out and shivered a little, hugging myself and looking around the unfamiliar environment. The door opened and Mellisa suddenly walked out, we both locked eyes.

What was she doing here? Was she with Carson?

I let go of myself and stood up straight, she walked to me. "What do you want?" I lashed out first.

Her looks softened, she looked...guilty. "Charlotte..." She had re-dyed her hair and stopped looking like astack of crayons.

"You gotta help me" I was taken aback by her statement. "What happ-"

"Talk to Carson" she grabbed my both hands. "He's gonna die" my eyes shot open immediately.

"What happened?" I looked back at the building in fear. "His friends...they are gonna kill him"


"He left the group! Look Char...he doesn't wanna listen. You're the only one who could talk to him" he left the group?

That was the only shit I could process.

"I know I fucked up, Char! It's all my fault. I'm sorry but I...really care about Carson. Please! Don't let him go to the clock tower on Wednesday" she pleaded.

"What's gonna happen there?" I asked.

"I...i don't know but I tried talking to him but he wouldn't listen. You just gotta help-"

"Why are you doing this?"

"I just wanna...undo things I could now" she whispered and Carson got out of the building and his eyes shot to the both of us.

To be continued...

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