Tip of the Iceberg🌿

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A big fight.

That is what happened.

Gajeel's iron hands extended and it sent 3 of the titans flying away before slamming into the walls.

Laxus litteraly fried the titans with his lightning not giving them a chance to get up any longer.

Cards suddenly came flying around, circling the titans before it cut through them without even anyone noticing. Cana catched her cards in her hands before she sent them flying out again.

A fast moving figure swiftly but gently passed among the giant enemies and when Mira reappered, 10 titans met their fall.

One swing of a large sword and another 5 titans fell to their demise. Lili, Gajeels exceed came swinging in action before wings sprouted from his back taking him in the air and giving him an advantage in aerial battle.

"Water Slicer!!"

Juvia came gliding as she unleashed her water powers killing the titans and saving two of the garrison members who were now trembling on their feet.

"Lizard man," Elfman transformed before he came barreling wrestling the enemies, pinning and punching them till they move no more.

Combined powers of the wizards colored the once city into a battle field, slowly falling to its ruins. But that doesn't matter for now.

They're talking about lives, they can deal with homes and foods later. Along with the scouts and the Garrison members, no one rested till they thinned the enemies to absolute zero.

An abnormal titan grabbed the grappling hook of Connie and pulled the now squirming lad towards it's gigantic mouth.

Only for a sword to cut his hand freeing Connie. The titan then growled at Erza who merely commanded her sword and finished him off. After all, her swords can cut without being noticed.

"Sky Dragon Roar!!!"

Wendy's howl of wind sent a tremendous force and gust of wind making dust fly all over while the scouts held unto something. This is all new and it is quite hard to cope up.

"Fire Dragon Roar!!"

Natsu joined in his fire combining those of Wendys.

"Iron Dragon Roar!!"

And there was Gajeel taking his place.

"Blue Flame Dragon Roar!!"

Yvonne blasted hers as well allowing the scouts, garrisons and wizards to standby for a moment, all looking for something to hold on to.

"Lightning Dragon Roar!!"

Last but not the least, Laxus joined the list and their combined powers grew stronger and stronger till it finally hit their target. It lasted only for a little while but that is a memory the scouts can never forget.

The Dragon Slayers roars were beautiful. Beautiful but deadly when used on the enemies. No sooner, the power lasted and the outcome shocked everyone.

The titans were all down to the grounds, bodies sprawled as they began to slowly deteriorate leaving their smoky carcass behind.

No one said a word.

All but the wizards were in a state of disbelief.

Until a sudden roar brought them back to their reverie. An abnormal who managed to avoid the chaos came jumping only for Eren to appear out of nowhere and grasp him with his hand, crushing his windpipe and tearing his nape open.

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