Untold Truth🌿

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Mouths hung open, eyes widening like dinner plates as the scouts processed what just dropped like a bomb in front of them.

There stood the man who started it all.

Zeref Dragneel.

King of Alvarez.

Strongest Wizard of all time.

Erwin and Hange were litterally frozen on their seats as they gaped at the royalty who graced them with his presence.

Not only was he talking about himself but is revealing something adding more to the fuel of fire he had lit himself.

"I want to thank you for taking my younger sister under your wing. She has lost her powers but thanks for your supervision, she has gained back all the ethernano she needed and now, not only did she recover her powers but her voice as well," Zeref gestured to Yvonne and the lady smiles as she bows to them.

"My name is Yvonne Sapphire Dragneel. Thank you for taking care of me all these times."

No one said a word. To make it simple, the lady whom they have doubted all these times is a royalty and holds the power that can demolish all if she wishes to. Maybe for the young scouts. But not for the leaders.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Erwins lips as he too bowed down followed by Hange and Levi.

Seeing that, Sasha yelped and was quick to get on her knees, hands on the floor and bowing, Connie and Jean following suit while dragging the rest of the scouts with them who reluctantly did so.

"Aish no need to bow and all. I don't like it when people do that just because I'm a prince or something. Get up everyone, were equals, there is no royalty or commoner here!" Natsu grumbles but none of the scouts heed them.

"Nii-san!!!" Natsu glares at his brother who merely chuckles but nodded nonetheless.

"My brother is right. We are equals in terms of helping each other out. So get up young scouts. I'm not a king here," Zeref spoke softly and Armin peeks at them slowly only to almost lower his head again when he saw the friendly smiles of the wizards.

Now that is endearing.

"It is an honor to have such powerful wizards and royalties visit our humble kingdom. I am Erwin Smith, commander of the Survey Corps."

"And I am Hange Zoe, vice commander and brains of the operation."

"Levi Ackerman, captain and implementor of the Survey Corps."

This time it was the wizards who bowed and Sasha was about to get on her knees again but Jean was quick to hold her hand and shook his head at her.

"It is indeed I who came here years ago and spread the words of Fairytail. Though I could have helped you myself but I was very low of magic powers by that time and I couldn't do much. Mavis, my queen was ill by that time and I used all of my powers to help her but never once did I forget Paradis. A king always fulfills his promise thus we are back to carry it out. Fairytail the strongest and wisest guild I know. Not because of the powers they carry nor the titles they hold but because of the bonds they share treating each other like family. And that is what makes them strong."

Zeref explains and the fairytail wizards beamed, feeling warmth spread within them. Indeed, Fairytail is not just a guild, it's a family. And the bond that holds them altogether was what was keeping them all together.

Eren sighs at that. A thought came in his mind that he can no longer keep.

"Paradis can't afford to have that kind of bond. Everyday, we open our eyes just to think of how we survive yet another day. There is no peace within the walls and the people are more keen on blaming each other while the titans feast even if they don't really need to it. In Paradis, there is only one notion. Fight to survive."

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