The Beginning of the End🌿

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"Your still as stiff, Natsu. Relax your shoulders and don't put too much strength on your fist. You won't be able to control your strength by then," Zeref reminds his brother as the 2 were out in the castle grounds sparring like their lives are depending on it.

Zeref was teaching Natsu another form of his dragon slayer powers but Natsu doesn't want the gentle learning. He wants heavy action.

"Tsk! This power is not cooperating with me!" Natsu blames his lack of interest making Zeref use his power and he slammed to the grounds.

"It's not your powers. It's your mind. You aren't focused enough-"

"Fire Dragon Roar!!!"

Natsu suddenly roared, his fire howling in force as it struck those innocent trees as well as the grounds.

Away from them watching, were trembling Sasha, Jean and Connie who couldn't believe what they were seeing. The grounds upto the trees were litterally burning while Natsu chuckles satisfied with what he did.

Meanwhile, Zeref wasn't amused one bit. Sometimes his brother really is someone young at heart where he will just do what he wanted.


Yvonne came running and before Zeref could stop her, she had already highkicked her twin brother on the head making Natsu yelp as he fell down.

Zeref stretched his hand towards the fire absorbing it all while watching Yvonne pull Natsu's hair while yelling how irresponsible he is.

The forest is as good as new but then he saw the reason why Natsu actually roared.

10 titans dropped dead making a smile tug at the corner of his lips. Well, Natsu is as strong as he is mysterious. His smile however wavered and his gaze was quick to return to the forest.

"Wait, Yvonne!"

Natsu was quick to finally stop his sister, holding both her wrist as he stood up.

And that is when Yvonne also smelled it. Before she heard it.



"Everybody out! The castle is under attack!" Levi growls and the reaction was immediete. Everyone was quick to get up on their feet while the wizards run out.

The scouts too run out after fixing their gears only to freeze in horror seeing what awaits them.

Army of titans.

Coming from the woods and surrounding the castle.

Charging like rabid wolves, eyes red, posture unusual.

"What kind of titan is that?" Carla ask feeling fear creep up her being. They have gone and survived a lot of battles but still this is a new kind of enemy and they doesn't have a good feeling about them.

"Abberants. They're fast and quite stealthy so be careful everyone!" Connie says eyes skimming the giants.

"They're many," Sasha had a tremble in her voice and Jean held her arm to steady her.

"This is our turf. We will fight for it," he says firmly and Sasha forced her self to nod though she could still feel her feet rooted to the grounds. Lives of many suddenly flashed on her mind but was pulled on her trance when both her hands were held. Looking at who it was, she saw Lucy and Wendy smiling at her.

Now that is bewildering.

How can these wizards smile at the face of danger?

"Don't be afraid. We will be with you, alright?" Wendy assures her, smile reassuring.

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