Chapter 1

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Eda's plane landed, and she looked through the window. Gloomy British weather mirrored the state of her soul. She was torn out of the perfect little life she made for herself alone during the last year and a half because of one stupid thing she did. Well, maybe not one, but her family found out only about that, and Eda was packed and sent to some shithole at the end of the world she didn't even know existed. That wasn't true again she knew about the existence of this place from her friends, but never in her life had it even crossed her mind that she would end up here.

Eda sighed heavily, taking her purse and standing up to leave her private jet. Even if she officially was known as Eda Yildiz, after taking the maiden name of her late mother, she lived by the standards of her father's family. Her grandmother Semiha Yildirim made sure Eda had access to everything the best in the world, the best schools, the best housing, and the best staff. It was her way of showing she cared about her, and Eda always knew she was very important to her grandmother. The problem was that they both never could express their feeling properly. Both were too closed off and traumatized by their life events. Eda by losing her parents at the tender age of three, and Semiha by losing her only son and daughter-in-law to the cruelty of an evil man who destroyed her life.

Since Eda turned eighteen, she had access to her trust fund and could freely enjoy the perks of being a member of one of the richest families in Turkey, which she never hesitated to do. Until now, when she went too far, and her family decided to put an end to her unlimited freedom. 

Eda always thought they panic too much wanting to know everything about her whereabouts. When they found out what she actually did, they went into protective mode and treated her like a baby again. She acted like a baby, but she was twenty-one now. She should be allowed to make her own mistakes and have some experience in her life outside of the shield walls of the heavily secured university campus she got sent to right now.

Eda walked to the airport's exit, led by the security staff to her car, waiting for her by the entry. The awful British rain wet her thin sundress and a light jacket, which were appropriate when she had boarded her private jet in Italy, but not here anymore. Eda hated this weather. She loved the sun. She was born to live under the Mediterranean sky, not this gloomy fog.

The only nice thought that kept her not running from this car was that she would meet with her friends there. Her cousin Ceren and best friend Fifi was studying at the same university Eda was sent to. After a long time, they are going to be reunited again, and it will be just like old times when they all spent vacations together in Eda's home in Istanbul.

It would be nice to finally be in the same school as her friends, even if the girls were one year older than Eda and were studying different degrees. Before, they were together in preschool only for a short time at a very young age in Istanbul, where Fifi was sent to polish her Turkish as her family permanently lived in England and stayed for one year with her cousins, whom Eda never met.

Looking back, it was odd that Fifi's aunt and uncle let five years old girl stay at Eda's house for extended period of time, under the guardianship of her grandmother, while her seven years old brother was running away from home with his two cousins, as boys deemed the girls unworthy of playing with them in soldiers.

Eda never gave a second thought to Bolats. She had never met them, even if they were in a close social circle, and she had no idea what they were doing now. Eda had a vague knowledge that one of them was living for some time with his family in England, but she never even learned his name. He never visited Istanbul when Fifi and Ferit came for summer breaks, and she had no idea what had happened to his brother. One day they stopped mentioning him, and he never appeared in their talks again.

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