Chapter Forty Seven: Set Me Free

Start from the beginning

It takes a while until we reach the harbor. I hear a lot of noises around me, mostly voices mixed with the sound of mechanics hammering. I suddenly get thrown backwards. Probably because we are going up the ramp to the ship. Only a few seconds later I get thrown into the other direction as we presumably go down into the cargo hold.
"These crates can go there.", a woman says. One by one they set the boxes down. For, I don't know how long, maybe 30 minutes, I hear people bringing things down into the hold. The woman counts everything a final time before I hear her leave and a door close. It's quiet for a few seconds before Wooyoung speaks up.
"A-are you all here?"
"Of course! I have a cramp in my left leg though.", Yunho replies.
"I was kind of panicking because I thought what if we got separated or something."
I let out an: "Aww!"
"Says the person who thought about leaving us a few hours ago.", Yeosang comments.
"That's why I decided to stay with you. You guys mean a lot to me."
I feel my heartbeat raise and my face get warm. I never thought that I would ever something like that from someone outside of my family. Then again, these guys have become something like a second family to me.
"We love you, too.", Seonghwa says.
It is silent again but this silence quickly gets disrupted by a loud knock.
"Ouch!", Mingi shouts.
"What are doing, you idiot?", Hongjoong asks and giggles.
"I wanted to change into a more comfortable position."
I hear a few of the others giggle.
"If you haven't noticed yet, there is no comfortable position.", Jongho says.
After talking for a while I try to sleep for a bit. It takes a while until I find a somewhat good position.

I walk through a dark alleyway. It's so pitch black that I can't even see my feet. Only the tiny lantern in Mingi's hand gives out some light. I grab Yunho's hand to feel a little saver.
"There were 1000 people killed in this street.", Yeosang tells.
"Yep, I saw how the king beheaded them one by one all by himself.", Wooyoung adds.
"It's cold here.", Jongho says.
Suddenly something that feels like branches is on the floor. They crack loudly as we step on them.
"Argh! Something brushes against my shoulder!", Seonghwa exclaims and grabs my arm.
"Why are there so many branches on the floor?", Yunho asks.
"Can't you see the bones on the floor and skeletons in the trees?", Yeosang wonders. His voice sounds even deeper than usual. A flash of light comes out of his eyes which lightens up the street for a few seconds. Like Yeosang said, there a bones underneath our feet and skeletons hanging from the trees. In the distance is a chest on a pedestal.
"The key must be in there.", Hongjoong states.
"I am scared!", Mingi cries out.
Despite our fear we keep going until we reach the chest. Hongjoong opens it but all we find is a triangular shaped piece of bread with a red sauce and melted cheese on it.
Out of nowhere the bones around us turn into skeletons which start to move towards us. All of us start screaming and try to run away but it is no use. The skeletons quickly surround us, knock us over and try to choke us. I feel a pile of bones on top of me but can't see a thing. I panic and throw my limbs around in hopes of somehow freeing myself but I am slowly running out of air.
I don't want to die like this. Did the other at least manage to free themselves?
"SAN! SAN!", I hear Seonghwa shout from far away.
"SAAAN!", Wooyoung screeches. This time it sounds a bit closer. I slowly feel like my soul is leaving my body.
"Who is screaming so loud here?", a man asks. His voice is unfamiliar and sounds like it is coming from another room.

I abruptly wake up and find myself covered in sweat and shivering. My heart beats rapidly and I am trying to catch my breath.
"Sorry, you know it can get a bit rowdy on a ship sometimes.", the woman from earlier explains.
"San, are you okay?", Yunho asks.
I am slowly starting to calm down but the dream still plays in my mind.
"Y-yeah, s-sorry I... had a-a nightmare.", I stutter.
I hear someone entering the cargo.
"Guys! Don't be so loud. We bribed the guards to not ask questions and stop at the small island but if they find you here, they will have to do their job.", the woman warns us and goes back onto the deck.
"Are you really okay? You don't sound so good.", Hongjoong asks.
"I am fine, guys. Just a bit shaken up."
"Feel yourself hugged.", Mingi says.
"Ehh, thanks."
"I wonder what time it is now.", Jongho comments.
"Wait, I have the little clock that we found with me. Ehh... it's hard to read because it's so dark but I think it says 10:20am.", Hongjoong says.
"Then we should reach the island within the next hour.", Yeosang adds.

A short while later the ship comes to a halt. I hear a bunch of people enter the the cargo hold and I get a bit shaken around as they lift us up. They put my crate down. It takes two minutes until they open it. For some reason I expected the sun to blind me but I quickly remember that we are still in ever so dark Nekra Kingdom.
Wooyoung who is already out of his crate runs towards me and hugs me.
"I was worried about you."
One by one the others jump out of their boxes.
"Argh! My back hurts!", Yunho complains and every bone in his body cracks as he streches himself.
The sailors put some dirt and stones into the crates, nail them shut again and take them away.
A woman walks towards us.
"You are free to go now. Your ship is over there. Have a nice journey!", she says. I recognize her voice from earlier. She waves us goodbye and turns around.
"Time to quickly search for the key and get out of here.", Hongjoong says.
"I will get a shovel from the ship.", Jongho says.
The rest of us split up and search every corner of the island for an indication that something might be buried here.
"Over here are some small heaps of earth.", Mingi exclaims.
"They belong to an animal called mole. They build tunnels under the ground.", Wooyoung explains.
"Maybe he can tell us where the key is then.", I joke.
Jongho comes back with the shovel and we keep searching. Yeosang suddenly lifts up a big stone.
"Ahh there are so many worms and ants on it!", Jongho shouts and hides behind Yunho. Yeosang carefully puts the stone aside.
"It looks like there might be something under it. Jongho can you dig here?"
Jongho reluctantly starts digging and it doesn't take long until he hits something hard. It is a small chest.
Yeosang opens it. On the inside is the key and a small note that is very hard to read and in a weird language.
"Wooyoung can you read that?", Yeosang asks.
Wooyoung inspects the note for a bit before he figures out what it says.
"Can't burn this f***ing thing, so I am burying it here, hahahahaha!
Your ancestors handwriting is really a mess."
"Is that really what it says?", Yunho asks.
"He sounds really immature...", Hongjoong comments.

We enter our ship that is parked at the edge of the island. Hongjoong runs towards the main mast and hugs it.
"I thought I would never see you again.", he talks to the ship.
"Finally we're home!", I exclaim.
"I want to wash myself with warm water and sleep for a few hours.", Seonghwa tells.
"I am going first!", Wooyoung shouts and storms inside the ship. The others except for Yeosang and Hongjoong run after him in hopes of getting to the bathroom first. I think I will have some sleep first.
I go into the bedroom and let myself fall onto the bed. I grab Shiber and try to sleep. Only a few seconds later the others come in and before I fall asleep I feel the ship starting to move.
Yunho wakes me up after some time.
"We are eating soon. You should wash up and change before that."
I yawn and get out of bed. I slowly drag myself into the bathroom and let some water into the tub. I get naked and take the soap from the shelf before I begin to wash my body and my hair. The pleasant smell of the soap fills the air. It's so good to be back on the ship and on the way out of the Nekra Kingdom. I hated it there. Well, the people outside of the castle were nice. But everything is so dark and Yeosang's father is the cruelest person I know, so I wouldn't ever want to return there unless Yeosang becomes the king. That is why I am really glad that we found the key today.

After I am finished at the bathroom, I go back to the bedroom and contemplate what I should wear.
"DINNER IS READY!", I hear Wooyoung scream.
The door opens.
"Are you ready?", he asks me.
Wooyoung slaps my naked butt and goes back to the kitchen.
I put some clothes on and follow after him. The smell of freshly cooked rice hits my nose. I missed eating Wooyoungs food.

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