Hale Family || Teen Wolf #1

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Derek and Peter were in the loft doing their own thing, when the sound of a familiar dodge charger could be heard pulling up outside

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Derek and Peter were in the loft doing their own thing, when the sound of a familiar dodge charger could be heard pulling up outside. The two Hale's sat up straighter, both of them supporting excited grins.

Heeled footsteps could be heard outside the door, which then slid open to reveal Y/N Hale. The woman squealed happily, leaping into Derek's arms as he spun her around.

"Look who finally decided to show" Derek smiled, placing her back onto her feet and pulled away slightly. Derek looked over the woman, making sure that there wasn't anything wrong and was happy to see that she was still the same.

"It's good to see you too, Der-bear" She scoffed. Derek gave her a playful glare, making her giggle.

"What's an uncle gotta do to get a hug around here?" Peter huffed. Y/N rolled her eyes but quickly pulled her uncle into a tight embrace.

"It's good to see you, kitty cat" The uncle smiled, as the two pulled away.

"So, how long are you here for?" Derek asked, as the three sat on the couch together.

"Permanently. I graduated a few days ago, so you guys are now officially stuck with me" Y/N answered, watching as her brother and uncle's faces brightened.

"Well, it's about time. I was getting sick of being stuck with Peter and his complaining" Derek sighed, making Peter look at him with an offended look.

"I see nothing has changed between you two" The woman laughed.

Y/N was actually the adopted sister to Derek. When Peter was twelve, and Derek was just a week old, Talia had found a baby abandoned in the woods. She was supernatural, but it turns out she was a snow leopard.

The woman knew that she had to take her home, and from then on she was welcomed into the Hale family. Y/N and Derek were as thick as thieves as they grew up, both him and Peter were always protective of her.

"Oh, i wanna show you guys something" Y/N suddenly spoke up, standing from the couch and moved into the centre of the loft. The brother and uncle watched with curiosity, and waited for what she was going to show them.

In a matter of seconds, Y/N had quickly shifted into a beautiful snow leopard. Derek and Peter's eyes widened in surprise, as the leopard moved to sit in front of them. Her eyes flashing a golden colour, indicating that it really was Y/N.

Y/N lowered her head on Peter's knee, her eyes going back to their usual blue. The uncle smiled proudly, and lightly scratched her fluffy head. Derek scratched behind her ear, making the leopard let out an involuntary purr.

"Aww, look at that. She purrs" Peter teased slightly, getting what looked to be a glare from his furry niece but continued purring as she closed her eyes.


A few days had gone by since Y/N arrived back home, and showed Derek and Peter her leopard form. Derek insisted on his sister moving into the loft with him, which she happily agreed to.

Y/N was back in her snow leopard form, she was in the kitchen with Peter who was making her some food. The loft door slid open, Scott and his pack walking in.

"Hey, Derek. Who's awesome car is that outside?" Isaac asked, as they all found a place to sit.

"It's my sister Y/N's car. She came back a few days ago from collage" Derek answered, not looking away from the book he was reading.

"Can you stop head butting my leg, you're food will be done in a minute" Peter muttered, looking down at the large cat with narrowed eyes. The others looked to the man with confused looks.

"Is-is Peter talking to himself? Has he finally lost it?" Stiles asked, looking from Peter to Derek who was grinning.

"Okay, and you're smiling. What the hell is going on here?" The lanky teen exclaimed, flapping his arms around like a drunken pelican.

"He's talking to Y/N" Derek answered.

"What, is she like three feet tall or something?" Brett questioned, because none of them could see anyone standing beside Peter.

The leopard walked out from behind the counter, where Stiles was standing. Everyone, except Stiles saw the animal and they all stared wide eyed. Stiles noticed this, looking at them questionably.

"What? What are you guys looking at?" He asked. Following their line of sight, his brown eyes focused on the large animal that was sat beside him. The teen let out a girlish scream, and stumbled backwards and landed on his back.

Derek and Peter let out amused laughs, gaining shocked looks from the pack. Not once have any of them seen or heard either of the Hale men laugh or even smile.

"Wait, is that your sister?" Scott asked, because he could tell that she was part of the supernatural like they were.

"Yes, my niece is a were-snow leopard. And if she doesn't change back, she won't be getting her food" Peter said, giving her a look. Letting out a huff, the big cat walked up to her room where she shifted back and quickly got dressed.

Running down the spiralled stairs, she leapt down the rest of them and sat at the table to eat her food.

"Thank uncle Pete" She mumbled, digging into the food. The male ruffled her hair, and went to sit on the couch. Feeling eyes on her, Y/N looked up to see a group of teenagers staring at her.

"Sorry about scaring you, by the way" Y/N chuckled, looking at the teen she scared earlier.

"Oh, it's- it's totally fine" Stiles stammered, trying to sound like it wasn't a big deal that she nearly gave him a heart attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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