Logan "Wolverine" Howlett || X-Men #2

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⚠️Warning⚠️ Blood, gore and use of a knife

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⚠️Warning⚠️ Blood, gore and use of a knife






Names in which Y/N had always been called her whole life, and that's only a few. The woman always hated her wings, and she would always cut them off but they grow back each time.

Why cut them when they'll just grow back? Y/N knows it's a waste of time and pain but she wants nothing to do with her wings.

Right now, Y/N was standing in front of her large mirror a knife in hand and stared at her wings.

Angry tears ran down her face, her jaw clenching in disgust and frustration. Taking a deep breathe, the woman moved the blade to the left one and started cutting away.

Y/N let out a yelp, but quickly bit her lip to stop herself from screaming. She cried out when the wing fell to the ground, and she quickly moved on to the next one not hearing the knock at her door. As she was almost done, her bedroom door opened and the person suddenly spoke up.

"What are you doing!?" It was Logan. He froze in shock, seeing the woman he loves cutting her wings off. Blood poured from her wounds, her whole body shaking in pain. Shaking his head, Logan ran towards the woman, who's legs gave out on her and he caught her in his arms.

The woman let out a yell, her bloody wound pressing against Logan's arms.

"Oh darlin, what have you done?" He whispered, as he moved to take the now unconscious woman to the infirmary.

The next day, Y/N finally woke up. She was laying on her stomach, and she could feel the bandages wrapped around her back and chest. Coming out of her daze, she looked to see Logan asleep next to her bed with his hand holding hers. Smiling slightly, Y/N gave his hand a squeeze which woke him up quickly.

Logan looked into her eyes, and he gave her a sad smile. He moved the chair closer, and brought her hand to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss.

"Why did you do it?" Was the first thing he said, making Y/N sigh sadly.

"I hate them. All my life people have done nothing but made me feel like a monster, like i wasn't meant to exist. And i believed them. My wings grow back each time i cut them, but I've grown used to cutting them off"

Hearing her words, Logan's heart completely broke. He hated that she felt that way about herself, and life has been nothing but cruel to her. It was at that moment, the Wolverine made it his life's goal to help her love her wings.

Logan always loved her wings. They were massive white, feathery wings. They also seemed to have a slight golden shine to them. Her wings is one of the thing's he loves about her and that'll never change.

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