"I've heard that too."

"Oh my, what in the fucking duck?! Speaking of the devil, the devil herself's inching her way to our spot." Jane whispered in quiet panic. "And oh yeah, it looks like she's wearing Prada too."

"What?" I was just about to look behind me but I felt Jane's nail pinch my arm. "AW!"

"Don't fucking look, Jordi."

"Hey, y'all!" Michiko showed up looking much rather cheerful and I wasn't ready for her to show up. She was wearing this matching yellow plaid skirt definitely customized for her and it was obviously a clear reference to this popular teen movie.

"Oh, hey, Michiko." Jane and I muttered in unison, we are both wearing our fake smiles while Nikki was just sipping her iced-coffee.

"I thought I would find you three here!" Michiko uttered, she sounded very much excited and I wonder if that's the craziness in her. "You three are going to my Halloween party, right?" As soon as Michiko asked that, Nikki's rotten mood suddenly changed.

"Oh, yeah. Of course, we are! We're happy to be invited to your party." Nikki chirped. She's obviously the most excited to go to the Halloween party.

"Can I bring my boyfriend too?" Jane asked.

"Of course..." Michiko nodded.

"Are there going to be a lot of cute boys there?" Nikki followed up.

"It depends on your definition of cute. But yeah, there will be a lot of boys there. I'm sure you and Jordi will have so much fun!" Michiko yelped.

"Oh, Jordi's fine, let him be. He doesn't need a man because he already got a man. Am I right, Jordi?" Giving me such a diabolical look, Nikki replied and I already know what's running around her head. I ended up kicking her feet under the table just to let her know she should keep her mouth shut.

"Really?" Michiko asked. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"Uhm, it's nobody." I said shaking my head and eventually giving both Nikki and Jane a side-eye. "Anyway, you look fantastic today, girl." I added hoping to change the subject matter.

"Oh, thanks, Jordi." Michiko looked flattered that she also twirled for us as if that's what we wanted from her. "You like it? It's from one of my favorite films."

"I knew it. You look good in it." I chirped.

"By the way, have you all got any idea for your costumes?" Michiko asked.

"Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to be Belle from beauty and the beast." Jane answered gritting with excitement.

"Oh, and I'm sure your boyfriend's going to be the beast." Michiko chortled.

"Oh, shade." Nikki muttered under her breath.

"No, no, no. It wasn't shade. I wasn't shading you, Jane. Of course, he's going to be the beast in his human form. The handsome king, you know what I mean." Michiko was quick to explain her answer and we all just laughed it off like it was nothing.

"Yeah. HAHAHA!"

"So, Jordi. I actually came here to talk to you." Michiko began and I thought she had already told us what she came here for.


"I know you're tutoring Xavier, right? I was just thinking if you could give me his address? I went to the hospital and he was already discharged. I really need to talk to him. I tried calling him but he's not answering his phone which is super-duper annoying, T.B.H. It's like he blocked me or something." Michiko went on and that's the moment I had to breathe in and be the actor once again. I quickly gave Nikki and Jane a telepathic look and they both seemed to have caught my simple message right away.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Michiko. I don't really know where he lives." I was already sounding very fake but who gives a damn about being real.

"But you sa—"

"Yeah, I never really went to their house. I was just mostly tutoring him at home because that's where I feel safe." I quipped and I'm already starting to feel my ears go hot because of the lie I was telling.

"Oh, damn. T-that's sad." Michiko's tone went from the cheerful one to a rather lugubrious one. "I missed him so much."

The air suddenly became awkward mostly because Michiko's literally the most clueless person in the room just like the main character in her favorite film. Jane tried to change the subject and she was quite successful with it. Fortunately for us, Michiko got a call from one of her friends and she decided to leave the three of us for good.

When I decided to visit Xavier at his apartment, I was more than surprised and confused at the very same time to see him packing all of his things like he's going somewhere.

"It looks like someone's going on vacation." I intoned vocally. Everything's already set much to my surprise.

"Oh, hey, Jordi." Xavier smiled over at me.

"Hi... What's going on?"

"I have decided to take your advice." Xavier replied and I was thrown in another room of confusion. "I'm going to give my dad a chance. Just one chance."

"What? Really?" In my head, I was just thinking it's very much sudden for him to act like this when he just punched and broke his dad's nose last time. I'm not against his decision, in fact, I'm very much happy that he made this decision but I'm just trying to find an angle here. He was just extremely mad at his dad and now, it seemed very easy for him to say yes to my suggestion. I thought it would take him several days and perhaps a week to think about it. I guess I'm very much convincing then. "I'm so happy for you."

"Yeah. I just went to visit my mom at the rehab and she's doing fine."

"T-that's great."

"And I had all night and all day to think about what you said." Xavier approached me and yanked me over to his torso. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "You're right. The anger, hate and pain have already created a home within me and I'm not going to let it corrupt me. I've decided to make the toughest decision that I'm going to make in my life ever." Xavier went on and I'm having such a mixed feeling about it. Xavier's sounding very un-Xavier-like.

"I'm so happy for you."

"Also, I don't really have that much money to pay the rent here. My mom, she needs huge help and it looks like she needs more time in rehab. I'm left with no one."

"I'm here, Xavier." I grabbed his hand and kissed it letting him know that I'm not going anywhere.

"Yeah, sorry. I know you're here too and I'm happy that you came crashing into my shitty life, curlytops. You're bringing so much change in my life. And I don't regret kissing you that night you were very much drunk." Xavier stared straight into my eyes and I think I might've connected with his soul.

Xavier's going to face his demons and as the person who's holding his heart, I will be there for him.

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √Where stories live. Discover now