Chapter 1.5

Depuis le début

Eira nodded, knowing that it was their only chance. With all her strength, she focused her magic and channeled it to the twins. She felt their magic mingle with hers, and together they created a powerful surge of energy that they directed toward the inferno.

Slowly, the flames began to recede, until all that remained were smoldering embers. Eira slumped to the ground, exhausted but relieved that they had been able to contain the broken spell. 

She looked up at Freya and Fëandil, gratitude and respect shining in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry," she finally said to Arin, her voice hoarse. "Are you okay?"

"Eira, what the hell? Was the first time not good enough for you?" he groaned, wincing as he watched Kael focus on a particularly nasty burn on his shoulder. "I even told you to be careful."

"I'm sorry, Arin, I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt, especially not you," Eira said again, her voice filled with regret.

"You never mean to," Arin groaned. "And yet here we are, again."

Kael continued his incantations under his breath, paying no head to their conversation. Eira felt a wave of guilt wash over her as she watched him work. She knew that she needed to be more careful, that her power could be dangerous if she didn't have complete control over it.

She opened her mouth to respond but couldn't think of anything to say to make what had happened okay.

"I'll be fine," he muttered through gritted teeth after a long moment. "But maybe next time you could try not to burn down the entire training yard? And maybe listen to me when I give you perfectly good advice?"

Eira hung her head, feeling the weight of Arin's words. She knew he was right, that she needed to reign in her power before it caused any more harm. But the thrill of using it, of feeling the rush of energy flowing through her veins, was intoxicating. She couldn't help but want more.

Fëandil offered his hand to Arin, and together with Kael, they lead him to the infirmary.

As the group dispersed, Eira lingered behind, staring at the charred remains of the training yard. Well, the groundsman would not be happy with her at all.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She knew that she needed to find a way to control her power before it controlled her. 

It hadn't just been the broken spell that had led to such destruction.

She could only imagine what the other courtiers would say if they saw Arin. He looked like he had just stumbled out of the royal kitchens, singed and blackened. 

 "Great, just what we need," she mumbled to herself, "a courtier who looks like he's been roasted alive. I'm sure that will go over well at the next ball."

A soft laugh sounded behind her, and Eira was somewhat surprised to see that Freya had stayed behind with her. She gave her a sympathetic smile. "It will take more than that to prevent Arin from causing the ladies to bat their eyelashes bashfully at him."

Eira laughed but then faltered, looking at her hands. "Thank you, Freya. I just feel so out of control."

"We all know you're trying to push the boundaries with your magic. Anyone who thinks that is a safe journey is foolish." Freya held her gaze, almost reverent. "Your way is just, my lady."

Eira groaned. "Please, Freya. You know how uncomfortable it makes me when you talk like that. I'm just a fire mage. Your magic is far superior to my own."

Freya looked as though she might argue, but then smiled wryly. "Although, you may wish to give us a fair warning before you try something like that again. Or at least give Arin one, so he can run for the hills."

Eira smirked at Freya. "Oh, I'll definitely give Arin a warning next time. I think it would be amusing to see how quickly he can run."

Freya laughed, but then the reverence returned to her eyes. "I've never seen anyone control fire like that before."

Eira's eyes glinted. "Just wait until I master the art of fire-breathing. Then, we'll really see some entertainment."

Freya shook her head,but there was a hint of amusement in her voice. "I think we'll pass onthat one." Eira hummed, despite herself. As she and Freya walked back towardsthe castle, she felt the hunger for more burn inside her. 

She wondered when itwould engulf her completely.


Here is the second part of Chapter 1! Seems like Eira can't learn from her mistakes, hm?

Let me know what you think of this chapter little mages!

Chapter art inspo is by Nada H on Behance 

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