I crossed my arms and asked him with a very serious face, "Do you have any guesses? What were you doing before you came here?"

Enoch's forehead narrowed. He thought for a moment, then shook his head with a sullen face and said, "I was working."


"In the imperial palace's office."

"What about before you work?"

"I was......still working."

"What were you doing before you started working? You must have eaten and met people."

At my question, Enoch looked at me, bewildered. It was the first expression I had seen since I met him.

"I didn't eat. I had a lot of work to do, so I just picked up some fruit in the office."

"Then, as soon as you woke up in the morning, you haven't eaten anything and worked all the time in the office, and when you opened your eyes, you were here?"

Enoch did not answer my question. Embarrassed, he avoided my gaze.

"Then what about the day before?"

"I woke up in the morning and had a light meal in the office, and after attending a cabinet meeting, I continued to work in the office."

That's a terrible work spirit. It seems to be more than Koreans who are overworked.

Lee Jin-ju, a 27-year-old ordinary office worker, reflects. It seems that you have to work like that to be successful and become a prince.

"Did you not go out? Have you met any outsiders? Have you met a suspicious person recently?"

Enoch frowned as if he didn't like my blitz of questions.

"I feel like I'm being interrogated."

"It's an interrogation."

Enoch crossed his arms with a displeased face. Then he tilted his head at an angle and looked at me.

"I think it's Young Lady's turn for the interrogation."

"You haven't answered my question yet."

He sighed and said in a calm tone, "I've never met a suspicious outsider. I don't remember going out of the imperial palace for nearly a month because it was a busy season for the year-end settlement."

Enoch who said so had a complicated face.

Well, all office workers are like that.

"What did Young Lady do?"


I searched through Margaret's memories and bit my lip.

I can't say that I was alone in my room looking at his portrait. I don't want to get an unpleasant gaze by confessing the truth.

"I was enjoying tea time in Floné's mansion. As you can see from my outfit, I was indoors all the time."

I was wearing flat shoes with an indoor dress.

The neckline of the dress was decorated with colorful beads, and there were many laces on the sleeves and the hem of the dress. In addition, there is a large jewelry decoration on the neckline.

It was by no means an outfit suitable for this wild.

"Among the people I met recently, the suspicious one is...... I don't know. I meet a lot of people because I am very sociable. It's hard to tell who was suspicious among all those people."

In fact, it was the power of the Duke of Floné rather than sociability.

Margaret was not popular because of her picky personality. Enoch seems to have had a similar idea, but he didn't bother to point that out.

An uncomfortable silence flowed again after what I said.

The sound of waves crashing at regular intervals cut through the silence.

The sun was completely set and darkness came. The moon rising over the eerie black sea was so bright.

Enoch said quietly, "It seems difficult to judge anything hastily yet."

That's right. First of all, you will have to go up to a high place tomorrow and figure out where you are first.

"For now, I think I'll save my stamina and go to sleep. I have to find out where this place is tomorrow."

Enoch nodded with a face that he agreed with my words.

We soon lay back to each other.

I thought about running away while he was sleeping, but for a moment, I quickly gave up as I remembered the monster I encountered in the afternoon.

First of all, I will go up the mountain with Enoch tomorrow, figure out the situation, and then make a thorough plan and run away.

'And who knows, maybe it's my bed when I open my eyes tomorrow morning. Maybe this is just a long dream.'

So I slept with such hopeful expectations. The ominous thoughts shoved into the corner of the heart with great effort.

The first night on the unknown beach passed by.


Unfortunately, all of this was not a dream. I opened my eyes on the beach I fell asleep yesterday.

There was a large difference in temperature between day and night. It was so cold last night that I thought I might die of hypothermia. This is because there was no fire.

There was a saying that you got lucky for one night, but you can't go on like that all the time. I don't even have a lighter to make a fire with, but I had to find a way somehow.

I trembled and got up, but something that was covering my shoulder fell.

It was a jacket with colorful gold on the shoulder.

"Looks like you're awake."

When I turned my head, Enoch was looking at me with his arms crossed. As if he was watching all night.

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