Shiggy Pushes Away Affection?

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Having a kind heart can only get you so far.
Sometimes you have to be stern and take what you want.
When she met Shigaraki (Y/n) was kind at first but then realized if she wanted to be more than a henchman she needed to be strong and smart and confident.
He began to notice her more and began to let her in slowly.
The more he learned the more he cared about her.
Which totally threw him for a loop.
He didn't dare utter a word to the others in fear of being laughed at.
So he did the only thing he could think of, went to the internet for help.

Unfortunately for him the results were not what he wanted.
He didn't want to believe he was starting to care for her.
Tomura didn't want or need a player two. He figured they would only get in his way.
But (Y/n) doesn't and she was becoming more and more worth that position.
She wanted to help him achieve his goals, nothing more.
And now that he knew that and what it meant for him he slowly accepted it.

Shigaraki let her in slowly and allowed her to give him affection.
Which was also strange and new and very different from AFO.
But of course with that came apprehension.
After nearly a year he began to rely on the little things she does.
(Y/n) uses her quirk only when it benefits the cause and she reassures him when he's having a rough day. What Shiggy loves the most is that she links their pinkies together so he doesn't have to worry about accidentally using his quirk on her.
It's this little comfort and show of affection that he loves deeply and cherishes.

Most of the time at least.
(Y/n) knows when he wants her company and when he really just needs his space.
Sometimes when he's acting childish she puts her foot down though and sets him right.
He always says in hindsight it was for the best even if he grumbles in the moment.
This time however was different.

Shigaraki is in his room planning something and he can't get AFO's voice out of his head.
His mind is racing and when (Y/n) comes in she notices right away.
She kneels next to him and puts her hand on his leg.
He growls and pushes himself away. "Get away from me."
This took the woman by surprise.
"Tomu what's wrong?" She reaches out to him but his glare stops her.
"I don't want to see you right now. I am in the middle of something important and I can't have you messing me up."

(Y/n) frowns and pulls her hand away slowly. "Wait, what?" She whispers confused. "Why would I mess it up?"
"Just go away."
"No. I want to help you." She reaches out to cup his face but he quickly grabs her wrist.
Thankfully he's wearing his gloves but that didn't stop her from gasping in panic.
He quickly pushes her away. "Get out." He whispers and she quickly runs out of the room.
Tomura sighs and sits on his bed.

As the minutes go by he realizes maybe she could've helped.
The (h/c) has a way of calming him down and that's exactly what he needs.
Dammit! Why did I push her away? And if I wasn't wearing my gloves I could've... I could've dusted her.
The blue haired man pulls on his hair and groans.
For the rest of the night he didn't sleep, just threw himself into his plans.

In the morning Shiggy was fast asleep in his chair at his desk.
(Y/n) slowly walks in and sees her boyfriend. She frowns and grabs a small blanket then gently puts it over him.
He moves slightly.
She looks at his hand and slowly links their pinkies.
A small gasp comes from the woman when she feels his tighten around hers.
"Player two I'm sorry," he whispers.
(Y/n) frowns and runs her fingers through his hair. "Tomu," she whispers.

Shigaraki sits up then stands. He looks into her eyes and she can tell he was distraught all night.
Not that she was much better off.
She tried to sleep but it didn't really work.
"I need you to help me."
"Help with what?" (Y/n) asks and cups his cheek.
"Take my mind off everything. For a little while at least." He responds and leans into her hand.
After nodding and dragging him to the bed by his finger she lays down with him.
Shigaraki lays his head against her chest and she rubs his back.

(Y/n) hums quietly and plays with his hair.
As the minutes go by he relaxes completely.
"You could have dusted me." She mumbles and he tenses.
"Please don't remind me." He whispers back then buries his face more.
(Y/n) looks away. "I forgive you." She whispers in his ear.
He blushes but grips her shirt tightly. "I won't hurt you. I promise."
This makes the woman laugh quietly.
"I'll hold you to that."

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