Denki's A Good Kid

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Class 1-A Group Chat
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Denki: "Six schools in six years
Been kicked out of every place
Everything I ever do is wrong
Never find where I belong
Everybody on my case"
Iida: "You've been kicked out that many times?"
Kirishima: "Bro 😔"
Bakugou: "Dumbass"
Sero: "You belong in the Bakusquad."
Deku: "Why were you kicked out?"
Jiro: "I bet it was because he went stupid a lot."

Denki: "The same old story
The same old song:
"Don't act up, don't act out
Be strong"
I keep my head down
I keep my chin up
But it ends up all the same
With, "Pack your bags, Denki
You're always to blame."
Uraraka: "Denki are you ok?"
Kirishima: "You can't help it. You don't have to hide your feelings though bro. We're here for you."
Iida: "Yes Kaminari, you don't have to pretend to be strong if you're feeling weak or upset."
Bakugou: "Maybe if you weren't a dumbass you wouldn't have any issues."
Deku: "Kacchan don't say that."

Denki: "I never try to do anything
I never mean to hurt anyone
I try, I try to be a good kid
A good kid
A good son"
Iida: "Is something going on at home?"
Mina: "Is your mom pressuring you?"
Jiro: "Your quirk could hurt a lot of people if you lost control. You need to make sure you're aware of others around you when you let loose."
Bakugou: "You're probably the dumbest kid in class. You're not a good kid or son."

Denki: "But no one ever will take my side
All I ever do is take the fall
I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid
Guess I'm good for nothing at all"
Mina: "Denki, that's not true. You're gonna be a good hero."
Kirishima: "Mina is right. The Bakusquad has your back."
Deku: "No one is a good-for-nothing Kaminari. You have value just like everyone else."
Uraraka: "Take the fall for what?"

Denki: "And now I finally find a haven
Someplace safe, where I can stay
'Till it's "Pack your bags, Denki
Now go, go away!""
Iida: "UA is a safe place for us to train our quirks and ready ourselves for being heroes. You belong here Kaminari."
Mina: "We don't want you to go Denki."
Bakugou: "I'm surprised you haven't flunked out already."
Deku: "Kacchan stop being so mean."
Kirishima: "Yeah bro. Try being supportive for once."

Denki: "All the schools in six years
Every battle, everyday
No one ever tells me that they're proud
No one asks me
"Denki, how'd you like to come round and stay?""
Jiro: "What about your mom?"
Kirishima: "I'm sorry bro. I didn't realize. Do you wanna hangout after school tomorrow?"
Sero: "It's a little late for that don't you think Kiri?"
Uraraka: "Are you fighting an internal battle Kaminari?"
Iida: "School can be a challenge for some."
Bakugou: "No wonder he has to change schools so often."

Denki: "All I get are bad grades
And a bum rap
And a bad rep
And a good smack
And no friends
And no hope"
Kirishima: "Denki..."
Sero: "What am I, a roach?"
Bakugou: "..."
Deku: "Katsuki stop bullying Denki!"
Everyone: "..."
Bakugou: "🤬🖕🏻"

Denki: "I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid
A good kid, who's had a bad run
And all I need is one last chance
To prove I'm good enough for someone"
Kirishima: "You are more than enough ✊🏻❤️"
Mina: "💖"
Deku: "You are gonna be a great hero Denki. You just need to get your grades up."
Iida: "If you need help studying Momo or I could help tutor you."
Momo: "I'd be happy to help."

(Y/n) is online

(Y/n): "Hey Denki are you free right now? I wanted to take that walk in the park. It's a full moon tonight and the stars will shine extra bright without the clouds in the way."

Denki blushes and smiles softly.

Denki: "Yeah I'm free. I can meet you there in 10 minutes."
(Y/n): "Perfect! Then maybe I can convince Aizawa to let me spend the night."
Mina: "Are you two dating?"
Aoyama: "Spill the tea."
(Y/n): "We've been dating for a few months now."
Denki: "Sunshine Nugget bring your blanket and we can stargaze for a while."
(Y/n): "It's a date 😘"

(Y/n) is offline
Denki is offline

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