Shark clip and Lightning Choker

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Denki and Eijiro look at each other.
(Y/n) looks between the two and giggles. "I think they look good on me. Shark hair clip and lightning choker. Something for each of my boys."
"(Y/n) are you sure you really wanna do this whole...poly-thing?" Denki asks.
"Yeah baby shark. I mean Denki and I talked it over."
The girl frowns. "Are you breaking up with me?"
"Of course not sunshine nugget. We just wanna make sure you're ok. We both care about you a lot and we're happy you chose us both."
"We just wanna make sure you're 100% good."
(Y/n) smiles happily and nods. "I thought you were upset because I didn't choose one of you. I didn't want to hurt you but I also really want you both. Is that selfish?"
"We like selfish." Denki smirks.
"It's pretty manly when you do it. Or...womanly?" Kirishima looks between the two then laughs.
"Manly Eiji." (Y/n) whispers and kisses his cheek.

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