Tsu Meets The Parents

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"Hey (Y/n)," Tsu greets.
The boy smiles and scoots his chair out. "Hey Tsu."
She sets her bento on his desk and sits on his lap. "Are you sure I'm not too heavy or in the way?"
Her finger moves to her lip.
The (h/c) laughs softly and shakes his head. "Nope. Light as a feather. Plus I love when you're near me."

"Is it true (Y/n), that you control the elements?" Ochako asks, sitting next to them.
The boy sighs but smiles. "Yeah. Uncle Enji is very persistent that I train with him but my father refused. After he saw how Shoto was treated he didn't want me going through the same."
"So is it similar to Shoto where it's half and half?" Midoriya asks, notebook ready.
"Nope. My right hand is water, my left hand is air, my right foot is fire and my left foot is earth. Of course lightning and ice are mixed in there too."
"Damn. Now I have to compete with you?" Denki complains.

(Y/n) looks at his girlfriend's back. "It's a lot for my body though. Having so many powers to juggle. Remembering what does what."
Tsu rubs his hand gently. "It's ok. I still love you. And you can always count on me for help."
(Y/n) smiles and holds her waist. "Yes and you will always have me. Speaking of my family Tsu. My parents want to meet you. Would you like to come to the family estate for dinner?"
"Estate? You have one of those too?" Ochako questions.
"You're really showing your poor side Uraraka." Mina mumbles.

The frog girl looks back at her bento nervously but nods. "Sure. I can text my mom and let her know."
"Awesome. My dad is excited to meet you."
"He's Endeavor's brother right?" Midoriya asks.
"Yeah. And my mom is Rei's younger sister. Strange but they love each other deeply."
"Are you an only child?" Sero asks, walking over.
"He's lucky that way." Shoto mumbles, walking by.
(Y/n) laughs softly.
Tsu goes back to eating and (Y/n) does the same.

After school (Y/n) helps Tsu into the car and climbs in after her.
The driver goes home and the two teens exit and go inside.
"Mother, father, I'm home."
"Welcome home darling." Bisha, (Y/n)'s mother greets, wiping her hands on her apron. She walks over and kisses his head.
"(Y/n) you're home!" Shiro, (Y/n)'s father exclaims and gives his son a bear hug.
"Mother, father, this is Tsu."
"Ah yes! The girlfriend. We've heard lots about  you. Spill the tea darling. Is my son a hopeless romantic? Is he a genius in class? Tell me what you love about him."

The green haired girl blushes deeply and hides behind (Y/n).
"Darling, you're gonna scare the poor girl. Calm your teenage behavior." The white haired woman sighs softly and pinches the bridge of her nose.
The said man laughs softly and takes a step back. "Yes, I'm sorry. My enthusiasm likes to escape me."
Tsu smiles and sighs in relief.
He's nothing like Endeavor. I like it here.

"Come darling. Dinner is ready." Bisha guides the girl to the dining room but (Y/n) pulls out the chair for her.
Tsu sits and Shiro winks at his son.
(Y/n) looks away and sits next to his girlfriend.
Bisha sets the food on the table and smiles. "I do hope Okonomiyaki is ok."
Tsu smiles and nods. "Yummy. Sir is it true that you're the number 3 hero?"
"It is. My brother is very persistent. He would do anything to ensure he was of higher rank than me."
"Speaking of Enji, is Shoto doing ok?" Bisha asks.
"Yes he's doing good. He's even made some friends." (Y/n) responds and smiles.

Everyone begins eating and making small talk.
"I feel like the lucky one. I can't believe I have a boyfriend who is so amazing. He's talented and smart and caring."
(Y/n) blushes and looks away. "Tsu I'm lucky too. You're smart and witty and pretty."
Shiro smirks and elbows his wife gently. "A couple of love birds darling."
"Don't tease darling." She mumbles.

The couple looks up as the woman goes back to the kitchen.
"Are you getting the dessert?" The husband calls.
Bisha walks over with a silver tray. "Coffee jelly for your ride home. It's getting late. But I hope you enjoyed your meal."
"Yes ma'am. It was delicious, kero." Tsu smiles sweetly and takes one of the cups.

"I will walk you home. It's not far from here." (Y/n) stands up and holds his hand out for hers.
She takes his hand with her free one and blushes softly.
Her tongue sticks out between her lips slightly.
"Don't be too long darling. It will get dark soon."
"Good night Mr Todoroki, Mrs Todoroki." Tsu bows and grabs her school bag.

(Y/n) walks Tsu home and holds her close.
"I'm glad I came tonight. Your parents are so nice."
"Did you expect them to be mean like uncle Enji?"
"Maybe. You've never spoken about them before."
"Yes well... as you can tell my father is..."
"He's immature I guess you could say."
The couple laughs and walks to her front door.
(Y/n) holds her hand gently and kisses her knuckles. "Sweet dreams Tsu."
"You too (Y/n), kero." She kisses his cheek then goes inside.

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