Okumura Twins join UA

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"Rin calm down or you'll get us both killed!" Yukio yells and holds his twin back.
The blue haired boy growls and yells as his flames go wild.
How do I get us out of Gehenna and back to Tokyo?
Finally Yukio grabs his brother by the collar and uses his powers to transport them back.
Except things look different.
The twins look around trying to recognize anything.
"Yukio where are we?" Rin asks, looking at the people, some of which look strange and non-human.
The glasses boy walks to the nearest pedestrian. "Excuse me sir, what city are we in?"
"Musutafu," the man responds.
Before Yukio could ask if that was near Tokyo, the man walks away.

"I'm gonna call Mephisto." The older twin pulls out his phone and it takes two rings before his older brother picks up.
"Hey Yukio! Did you have fun in Gehenna?"
"Can you come get us? I transported Rin and I to a city called Musutafu. I think it's in Japan."
"That city doesn't exist in this universe. You must've transported to a different dimension. Powers are tricky in Gehenna, especially if you're unfocused and flustered. It makes matters so much worse."
Yukio pinches the bridge of his nose while Mephisto smirks knowingly.
"For now I guess try to blend in and don't draw attention. Enroll in the nearest high school and pretend nothing is wrong. Hopefully you won't have to use your powers on any demons. Obviously make sure Rin doesn't go a-wall. I'll try to figure out how to bring you back. We don't want you trying to teleport again and end up somewhere else again."
"Understood sir." Yukio hangs up and sighs.

"What did Mephisto say?"
"Stay put, enroll in school and stay out of trouble." The brunette sums up.
On top of the hill a large building is visible and it looks like it could be a school.
The twins make the journey there and buzz at the gate.
It's so high tech, Rin thinks to himself.
"State your name and business."
"We'd like to enroll here."
"Come in and we'll talk. Follow the robot to my office."

The twins go through the gate and follow the triangle headed robot.
Once they arrive at the principal's office the door opens and they look around.
Finally they see the creature and Rin hides behind his brother.
"Is that rat thing talking?" Rin whispers in his brother's ear.
"I need some basic information to even consider your enrollment."
"Yes of course."

"Hmmm, blue flames are curious. But do you really wish to be heroes? This is a prestigious school for heroes after all. Rin's quirk seems powerful but Yukio you don't have a quirk."
"Based on the classes I would best be suited for the Gen Ed course. Rin is best suited for the hero course. He's not the greatest at studying but he works hard."
Rin smiles softly.
I'll take what I can get for Yukio compliments.
"Very well. I guess I could sub you into class 1-A. Just until you can find a way home."
The twins nod and bow deeply. "Thank you so much sir. We'll do our best."

Aizawa sighs as he gets into his sleeping bag. "Students listen up. As you can see GrapeJuice is not in class today and someone else has taken his spot. He has been moved to the Gen Ed class. This is temporary. Go ahead and introduce yourself. I'm going to sleep."
The whole class cheers at the mention of no Mineta.
"Um, hi guys. I'm Rin Okumura and my twin Yukio is in the Gen Ed class. I guess my quirk is Blue Flames. That's all I'm allowed to say."
"Blue flames? Like the villain Dabi." Broccoli boy mumbles and writes in his journal.
"Do you have a hero name or costume yet?" The other blue haired boy asks, using his hands.
"Uh... no. I'm open to suggestions. Satan killer is the closest I've come up with."
"Satan killer?" Some of the students mumble.
"I like this guy." Bakugou mumbles and smirks. "I wanna fight him."
"Kacchan, this is his first day."
"Deku do you remember what Aizawa did on our first day?" Tape boy asks.
"That was to test our quirk levels."
"Exactly. Let's do the same for Okumura. It'll be fun." Mina cheers.
Rin shrugs. "I guess we can do that."

The class goes to the field and performs the same tests.
Rin felt comfortable since they're all physical tests.
It's the paper exams he fears.
In the end he did above average.
His natural charm and charisma helps him make friends easily.
Although the demon couldn't help noticing the lack of demons everywhere.

At lunch he finds Yukio, of course surrounded by a bunch of girls.
"Okumura you're the best!"
"That pervert has been harassing the girls since the beginning of school."
"I hope he learned his lesson."
"Yo Yukio!" Rin calls. "What's going on?"
"I just dealt with a classmate who was disrespecting our female classmates."
"So he's like Shima."
"Worse than Shima." The brunette grumbles.
Rin sighs but nods. "I think that's the guy I replaced. The class told me a little about him. I don't think the hero path is right for him."
"Or us. Have you noticed Rin?"
"That there aren't any demons here? Of course I did."
"It's unsettling."
"Let's enjoy it while we can."
Yukio sighs but nods in agreement.

"Rin, is this your brother?" Deku asks, walking over with the Dekusquad.
"Hey Deku. Yeah, this is Yukio."
"Is he the older twin?" Momo asks.
Rin sighs while Yukio laughs softly.
"Everyone assumes that because I'm smarter and more mature, but sadly I am not. At least we're not identical. I would hate looking like Rin."
The 1-A students laugh while the demon puffs out his cheeks in a pout.
"Shut up four eyes. At  least I didn't tell them you're a crybaby."
"I haven't cried since we were children. At least I'm not a loud mouth with anger issues."
"Definitely brothers," Deku mumbles.
"They act like you and Bakugou." Todoroki comments. "Are you and Katsuki brothers Midoriya?"
"No. Just childhood friends."
"More like rivals," Todoroki corrects.
"You both are competing to be the number one hero right? That makes you rivals," Yukio confirms.
"Yukio, don't tell me you've adjusted already?" Rin complains.
"For the most part. It's very different though." The brunette responds.

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