Denki's Loss

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"Hey spark plug, can we go on a date after this mission? I promise I'll stay alive until then."
"Are you sure? You might short circuit again."
"I haven't done that since UA. Give me some credit sunshine nugget."
The woman laughs softly and nods. "Ok fine. After this mission we'll meet at the park where we met."
"It's a deal."
Denki kisses his girlfriend then jogs off to his group's meet up location.

"Hey Katsu, can you do me a favor?"
"Shut up extra. You're gonna be just fine. Stop talking and save your energy."
"Katsuki! Listen to me, please. Tell Denki I'm sorry I couldn't meet him at the park. Tell him I love him."
"Tell him yourself (Y/n)."
The (h/c) shakes her head. "Make sure he doesn't rampage ok? Help him move on. He's young and handsome. I'm sure he'll find someone someday."
"Are you sure he can? I'm shocked he found you. He's an idiot."
"Katsu please. Please just promise me."
The blonde holds his friend closer, squeezing his eyes closed and clenches his teeth. "I'll do my best. I can't promise anything."
"You'll find him at the park, near UA. You know which one?"
"Yeah I know. After the mission is complete?"
All she could manage was a small nod.

Bakugou opens his mouth but before he can say anything her body goes limp.
The light and life behind her eyes fades.
He chokes back any noise for a while before he growls.
A couple paramedics load her into an ambulance but she was pronounced dead soon after arrival.
Katsuki on the other hand snapped and took down most of the villains single handedly.
You never said I couldn't let loose, he thinks to himself.

After the mission is complete Denki smiles happily as he waits at the pavilion near the river.
He fixes his outfit, having changed into regular clothes.
Bakugou sees Denki and the pain hits him again. He manages a straight face as he walks over.
"Hello Sunshine...nugget...." Denki trails off seeing his friend. "What are you doing here Bakugou? I was supposed to meet (Y/n) here for a date."
"Pikachu..." Bakugou trails off, unable to make eye contact.
"You're acting kinda weird Bakugou. What's up?"
"(Y/n) didn't make it."
The lightning boy laughs softly. "What are you talking about?"
"She's dead, Kaminari."

A long silence fills the air.
Denki's laugh echoes in the quiet pavilion. "Good one Bakugou. Not a funny joke though. She's gonna come over any second and tell me it was-"
"DENKI (Y/N) IS DEAD! She died in my arms. I'm so sorry."
When Denki sees the tears slowly streaming down his friend's face he knew it wasn't a lie.
Bakugou clenches his fists and looks away again.
"My spark plug is dead?" Denki whispers.
"She asked me to tell you that she loves you and that she's sorry she couldn't meet you here. (Y/n) also wants you to move on."
"How can I move on?! (Y/n) is the love of my life. She is my everything. How can I go on without her?!" He exclaims, grabbing the other blonde by his collar.

Tears stream down Denki's face quickly and anger is evident in his eyes and tone.
"Denki calm down. She knew you would be upset but she didn't want you to rampage or do something you'd regret."
Kaminari takes a few deep breaths before falling to his knees.
Katsuki pats his shoulder and looks down at his friend. "I'm not saying it's gonna be easy or that it'll happen overnight. You're allowed to grieve. But she made me promise to help you. I'm not a miracle worker so finding you someone may never happen again."
The lightning boy frowns looking up at the explosion man. "I don't think I will ever move on. You couldn't understand how this feels. You don't have a significant other. You don't know how much I loved her. She gave me a reason to live."

"Denki! She was important to me too. She was one of my best friends. I may not have loved her like you or loved anyone like that but I am grieving too. We can get through this together. How am I supposed to call myself the best if I couldn't even save her?"
Kaminari couldn't get over Bakugou using his first name. He was so used to the usually mean nicknames.
"Can you honor her last wishes? Take your time to reminisce and come to term but eventually move on. I'm not asking you to forget, just forgive and keep living."
A quiet sigh escapes the hero but he nods slightly.
"Fine. But I need time. I... I need her back."
A small cry comes out before he hugs Bakugou.
The said man resists the urge to pull away and pats his back. "I'm here for you. And I'll do my best to help you."
"Thank you," Denki manages.

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