Dabi's Stockholm Syndrome

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Dabi walks toward (Y/n)'s room.
Her door is open and he can see her inside.
She is sitting at the vanity and sniffles softly.
He looks in on her and watches her wipe tears away.
A twinge of guilt stirs in his stomach.
She is just a collateral kidnapping.
Shigaraki keeps her alive because he didn't feel the need to kill her.
Dabi looks at her face and her eyes. He found her attractive but he knew she could never feel the same.
His scars are definitely a turn off for one.

(Y/n) turns and sees Dabi standing in the doorway. She jumps in fright and holds her hand over her chest.
He holds up his hands. "Calm down little mouse. I'm not here to hurt you. Are you hungry?"
"A-Am I hungry? I haven't eaten since before you guys kidnapped me! Of course I'm starving by now."
Her anger is evident in her tone.
Although she keeps distance between them in fear of him hurting her.

The raven haired man sighs but nods. "Follow me then. You're allowed to walk around. You just can't leave."
"And risk going somewhere I'm not supposed to be and get killed for it? No thanks. I'll stay in my room until you decide to kill me."
"We won't kill you little mouse."
They walk to the kitchen silently and he makes her dinner.
(Y/n) watches and looks around.

"Don't bother trying to find a weapon. I may not kill you but I can burn you before you hurt me."
(Y/n) frowns and looks back at the villain. "Burn me? Like you burned your face and body?"
Dabi's hands stop moving and he slowly looks at the woman.
Her expression isn't smug, it's more like sympathy.
She looks at his burns and frowns.
Her fingers trace his scars gently.
He watches her fingers then turns back to dinner.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sure it was an accident."
"Don't act like you know me, little mouse. And it's not like you really care. I'm not your handsome prince, I'm the ugly beast keeping you prisoner."
(Y/n) smiles softly. "I don't think you're ugly at all. I know you're attractive, burns or not. But your personality could use less self deprecation."
Her laugh makes his heart clench.
"I'm a villain little mouse. You don't want to get to know me. You probably just want to escape."

The woman frowns and looks away. "If I got to know you, maybe I wouldn't want to leave. All villains have a reason they turned bad. What's your reason?"
"You seriously want to get to know me?"
"If I'm gonna be living here then yeah. I want to know the people who are keeping me prisoner."
Dabi sighs and finishes making dinner. He plated the food and hands it to her.
She takes it and starts eating.
He explains his reasons for joining the League and as she finishes eating he finishes his story.

(Y/n) sets her plate down and runs her thumb over his cheek, lightly grazing the scar line.
Dabi looks away and removes her hand.
"You're not a monster. You're just hurting and traumatized. You deserve a second chance and affection."
The ravenette couldn't help the scoff that escapes. "A second chance? Affection? Look at me. Does it look like I get a lot of partners?"
"Your looks shouldn't matter. I for one don't find them unattractive."
Dabi looks at her and frowns. "You don't?"

(Y/n) shakes her head. "They were an accident. Why should I blame you for the way you look?" She smiles softly.
He looks away and clears his throat. "I should get you back to your room."
The (h/c) nods and follows him back.
"So you don't think I'm a monster and you don't care what I look like. Are you starting to warm up to me?"
"Warm up to you?"
"Maybe a little Stockholm syndrome?" He smirks and crosses his arms.
"I guess so yeah. That is just a situation where a captive develops positive feelings toward their captor."

Dabi's smirk disappears as (Y/n) walks into her room.
"I thought it was when you develop romantic feelings toward your captor?"
"Nope. That's just a misconception. Well mostly at least."
"But Lima syndrome is when the captor has romantic feelings for their captive, usually resulting in them releasing the hostage."
Dabi looks at her quickly then back to the ground.
(Y/n) sits on the bed and sighs softly. "But I don't think any of you would... not for me. I'm just collateral."

Dabi stands in front of her and she quickly looks up into his eyes.
"Little mouse you are not defined by your situation. Just because you're stuck here doesn't mean you aren't attractive or not worth falling for. I thought you were sexy before we took you." He smirks and walks toward the door.
"Wait, does that mean... are you gonna let me go?"
"Why would I let you go? Now that I know you don't hate me I can't let you leave."
She frowns and watches him leave her room, closing the door behind him.

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