A story

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Still feeling shaky, Kaminari leads me back to his bed where we lay down together. He hold me close and seems hesitant before he whispers into the darkness, "Your dream, what was it about?"

For a moment I try to decide if I should tell him, and I know I should, he needs to know I trust him, so I nod though I realize he can't see it. "When I was younger, before Aizawa and Mic adopted me-"

Denki turns to face me, "Hold up, Mr. Aizawa is your dad?"

Caught off guard I laugh, "Thats right, I forgot you didn't know that."

I feel him shift to lean up on his elbow, looking down at me, "Thats why he's been so grumpy towards me lately. "At least -shit- at least I don't have to meet the parents, since apparently I already know them."

I slip my hand into Denki's free hand and bring it up to kiss lightly, "I'm sorry, I just hadn't found the time to tell you."

Denki falls back into bed beside me dramatically and says, "Yeah well, its ok. Now, back to your dream."

With a sad sigh I continue my story, "So, before I was adopted, my parents, y'know the real ones, they weren't all that great. They hated me for my quirk, they had a good reputation, and a lot of money so my quirk freaked them out. And the first time it showed I accidently controlled my parents to be nice, so for almost a day they did whatever I asked, I hadn't realized what was  happening so I went along with it like any kid would. Sometime during dinner that night my quirk, I don't know, somehow I let them go. They were so terrified of me that the next day they put me up for adoption. But the rest of the night they yelled, and did anything in their power to keep them away from them and protect themselves.. which I guess meant hurting me."

I pause when I feel Denki come closer, his arm falls across me and he rests his head on my chest. I look down at him, just barely able to make his shape out in the dark. Placing my arm around his waist I stare up at the ceiling, reliving the memory.

"As a kid, all I wanted was to impress them and then they were scared, it also scared me. All I wanted was a hug from my mom and a pat on the head from my dad, reassurance. So I tried to get to them, to comfort them and try to make it better but they kept pushing me away, at one point I was thrown to the ground. They ran to their room and locked their door and I slept there, in front of their door that night, worried about them. The next morining some people from the adoption place took me away, after that night I never saw either of them again."

I didn't realize I was crying until Denki reaches up and brushes a tear from my face, I lean down and kiss his head. He breaks the silence with a scoff, "Well they were assholes," a almost hysterical laugh breaks from my chest, "Hitoshi, I am so sorry, I had no clue."

I shrug my shoulder and snuggle closer to Denki, "It's whatever, I don't even remember them all that much. All I can remember is my mothers singing voice and my dads laugh. I've detached myself and my feeling towards them so it doesn't hurt all that much"

Tentatively he asks, "Is that why you pushed me away, to keep me safe? Because it's what your parents did to you for their safety?"

Feeling like this is turning into a therapy session I say, "Maybe, but I'd reather not think about them when I'm here with you."

Denki pulls the sheets over our intwined bodies, crawling farther up to kiss me softly. My eyes close and I hold him as tightly as possible. A warm, blooming feeling fills my chest and I play with his hair as he caresses my cheek. Denki pulls away but I can't resist, bringing his lips back to my own, my tongue slides against his bottom lip. He smiles slightly before letting my tongue slip into his mouth, I groan quietly. Denki threads his finger through my hair, pulling slightly. Pushing away just a bit we separate with harsh breathes, I say, my voice raspy, "Fuck darling."

He giggles a little bit before he says, "Darling? I like it."

Through the silent room my laugh rings loudly and all I can think is how much I adore this boy who drives me crazy. Denki joins me and suddenly I feel as though the past two weeks has disappeared, has mended and been forgotten. Which I don't mind.

Slowly our laughs die down and we settle into a cuddling position, letting our thoughts take us away as we drift asleep. But before I'm comeplety unconscious I hear Denki whisper, "I love you, Hitoshi."

Then everything fades and I am pulled away by sleep.
                        - Time Skip -

The next morning the sun shines through the curtains and I yawn. I realize I'm trapped in place and turn to find Denki's face in front of mine, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

My eyes travel over him, from his lips to his small nose, to his long eyelashes and gold hair that came chest the light. His lips are the color of fresh raspberries and his freckles that sit across his cheeks look like constellations in the morning warm rays.

I smile softly at his resting face before he peaks one I open. I laugh quietly, "How long have you been awake?"

He smirks, "long enough."

He admires me as I did him and a memories comes to me, the one from last night when he whispered that he loved me. Soundly my breathe is stolen.

"Is it true?"

His eye tows furrow and he turns his head a bit, "is what true?"

I stare at him ,hoping it wasn't a dream, "That you love me?"

He stills for a moment, analyzing my face before he grins nervously, "yeah, it's true."

My smiles stretches across me face and my hearts races. Before he can get to stressed about what Iay say I tell him, "I love you too, Denki."
Sadly this will be the end of their story, if have no other ideas so I hope you have enjoyed this and have a good day!

The Babbling Blonde BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora