My Hero

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                     -Denki's POV-

Guilt weighs on me but I couldn't take hearing another word and let -shit- them see that Sero's words effect me. Hiding in a random stairwell I sit in a corner like a child and cry. My sobs echo through the hall but I don't care who -fuck- hears, I just want them to walk the opposite way.

Everything feels too hot and my throat aches as I cry out in -fuck- pain. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. That is all that you will ever be Denki, an idiot. There will be -crap- more tests, more homework. My neck tics to the side rapidly and the pain only causes more grief. I will never be enough, I will only ever be that dumb guy who can't even use his powers safely.

My hand crackle with energy, the sparks lighting up the dark stairway. So. Fucking. Stupid. "Damnit." I knock my head against where the two walls meet and drag my electric hands down my face, trying to suppress my quirk. But as more tears well in my eyes my hands explode into light, the stress casting my quirk to overreact. Electricity streaks around my hands dangerously and I start to panic.

My arms start to shake and the pain begins to grow, tears stream down my face with no end and I scream. I don't care who hears but I need help.

My strangled cries crawl out of my throat, reverberating through the air, "Help, anyone please help!"

Pain shoots through my arms and burns my mind, my chest raises and falls quickly and the temperature of the room seems to grow within seconds. I try to call for help again but all I manage is a gurgled scream, my lip trembles, I can no longer tell what is sweat and what is tears but I know that this -shit- that this needs to stop it I'm in serious fucking danger.

Suddenly I hear the clap of footsteps on concrete running to me and I scream for help at the top of my lungs. My mind is overwhelming and my sight is blurry but I see a blob of purple hair and know I'm safe.

"Shinso, Shinso please use your quirk on me! It's the only way to stop this, please! Help me. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault!"

Hands roughly grab my shoulders and I try to keep my electricity covered arms always from him, "Denki, shut up, this isn't your fault. Now say something so I can- so I can use my quirk."

I nod harshly and spit out the first words that come to mind, "My hero."

Almost immediately the world goes white and everything stops. It's silent. Then I snap out of it, Shinso still holds my shoulders, tears filling his eyes.

I smile sadly, "Hey."

He nods, meeting his forehead on mine, "hey."

I take a minute to calm myself and when I'm ready I sit back, "thanks, I -crap- I-"

Shinso interrupts, "it's okay, I don't need an explanation. I'm sorry that Sero couldn't see you the way I do. But someone who loves you would never do or say any of the absolute shit he does about you, okay?"

My heart giddily flutters and I nod, "Can we just, can you hug me... for a bit?"

Shinso smiles softly and pulls me into his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around me, scared to let me go. I snuggle my head into his neck and breathe in his scent, coffee and the forest. His arms are so warm, but not like how it was before, now it just feels safe. Like home.

Finally I'm able to just relax, Shinso holds me close and I hold him impossibly closer.

After a while of sitting on top of Shinso, who sits on incredibly uncomfortable concrete, Shinso says, "I'm your hero, huh?"

I can feel his smile against my neck but I don't mind, he needs a bigger ego anyway. Yet that does nothing to stop the blush from spreading on my face and ears. I fiddle with the tips of Shinso's hair and reply, "Yeah, I guess you are. You did just save me, anyway."

Shinso laughs, the vibrations flowing into me too, "Well don't expect me to say that your my hero to because that's reserved for Earserhead and Earserhead only."

I lean back, Shinso's hands falling to rest on my hips and I scoff, hitting him lightly on the chest, "How dare you. That's how you repay me for my kind words!"

Shinso rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to speak but before he can speak Kirishima sprints towards us, picks me up from Shinso's lap, and tackles me in a bear hug. I can hardly breathe but I let him. Kirishima murmurs to me, "God I was so worried Kam! Are you okay? Don't mind Sero, he's an ass, I am so proud of everything you have accomplished, your amazing and cool and smart and kind and so, so clever!"

I smile once again and pat him on the back, "Thanks Kiri, Shinso already gave me this lecture though."

He huffs out a laugh and let's me go, "Okay, but I'm being honest. I'm so sorry."

I shake my head, "it's fine."

Bakugo, who has been watching the whole time, angrily says, "No it not fucking fine! Sero's shitty, dunce face! Don't be so soft on people who hurt you!"

I raise my eyebrows and me and Shinso share a look before Bakugo grumpily stalks over me and gives me a quick side hug. I almost melt at the gestures and grin, "Aww thanks Bakubro!"

"Shut it!" Bakugo calls, already halfway up the stairwell, flipping me off. Oh well, it only lasts so long.

I turn back to the others, "Thank you guys, for coming to look for me."

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