Familiar Faces

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                    - Shinso's POV -

Walking down the hall to the bathroom after school. My shoes are the only thing making a sound throughout. The silence grows, a foreboding feeling fills the space and uneasy covers me with a blanket.

Laughter echoes from the hallway in front of me and three familiar voices appears, along with three familiar faces. My blood goes cold and and I can feel my face paling at the sight of them. The boys from the General Department.

Before I can turn around, hide, get away, Suki, the loudest and most blood thirsty calls my name, "Shinso!"

The other two notice me quickly, elbowing eachother and snickering. Terrified, I try not to give a reaction to them, I try to walk past them. Suki grabs my arm with a tight grip, "Hey, where are you going?"

Suki says this in a much to cheery voice.

"Yeah, we've missed you man, weren't you gonna say hello?" One of Suki's henchman day.

I look at them dully and reply, "No, I was heading to the bathroom. So if you could-"

Suki  shakes his head, a grin so creepy and cruel it makes my spine shiver crosses his face. "No I don't think so, we want to... Catch up with you."

Before I can register his words he gets close enough and throws a punch, landing right on my cheekbone. I groan in pain but I know they're not done yet. His two friends grab my arms, holding me in place.

The tension rises and though I already know what comes next, anxiety still courses through me.

Suki pulls back and arm, this time punching my in the mouth and I choke on my own blood, spitting it at my feet as Suki chuckles darkly, "You really thing you're a heor, do you? That you have a future where people look up to you? Your so fucking creepy that I think most people will be to nervous around you to ask for your help. In fact they'll probably be asking for help be used if you. Just becuase you have a quirk doesn't mean it's good, villain."

Suki spits the words out like poison and throws another punch hitting my cheekbone again. My breathe is labored and I glare down Suki, but he doesn't become scared. Instead he smirks at me.

"So pitiful, I bet the school is just trying to gain your trust so they can lock you away later. Or maybe, their clever and will put you out of your misery you-"

His sentence is cut off, electricity bolts shoot through him, making him collapse so the ground. In his wake, Denki stands angrily. He pushes the two hooligans off of me, dossing them with enough electricity to knock them out for a few hours.

"How dare you, you stupid fucking assholes. Can't you leave him alone?"

Looking down at my attackers, Suki's word replay in my mind. I start analyzing them, and the future that is truly ahead of me.

Their right, I'll be feared, I'll probably turn into some twisted creature. I can't let my classmates see this weakness. I can't let Denki see me like this.

I turn on my health, walking the opposite way to my dorm. Guilt trying to guide me back but in my anger and sorrow, I ignore it and lock it away.


His voice, God his sweet voices. Filled with worry and care. I want to suddenly turn back around and hide in his arms but I know I can't. I can't endanger him anymore than I already have. He could be expelled for helping me, I can't let him take the fall. I have to figure this out myself.

I hear footsteps rush after me and before I can truly think, I blindly reach back and touch Denki, activating my quirk. I tell him to walk away and leave me be.

I don't look back to see his lifeless eyes as his footsteps walk away with me. I don't think about what I just did. I don't care. To keep him safe, he has to go.

I walk silently back to my dorm, my pace even and quick before Denki snaps out of his stupor.

What is it they always say? If you love them, let them go, right? It may not be the kindest thing, but it will be what's best for Denki and... our friends.

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