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                       -Shinso's POV-

At this point its been a week, i've tried every way possible to apologize and have accepted that Kaminari needs space.

My covers wrap around my body, restricting my movements. My body is shaking, my breathing ragged and my whole body feels too hot for my liking. Through my panic I roll in the covers only making my entanglement worse. A shiver runs down my neck as I recall the voices of my true parents. The day my powers came to light I made a grave mistake and was punished. My bottom lip trembles and tears run down my face as their loud angry, degrading voies take over my mind.

I need help.

Only one thought comes to my mind. Denki.

After I crawl out of my blankets, freeing myself I rush, stumbling over the things on my floor. With a turn my door flies open and hits the wall with a bang. Flinching from the sound I run as fast as I can from the memories reaching for my, desiring to pull me into my past and drowned me there. The halls blur and all I know is that when I arrive at Kaminari's door I hesitate. My hand is ready to knock but I realize he doesn't want to see me. He doesn't want to be the person I run too for comfort. Then something makes noise a few halls down, fear spikes through me and I knock.

I hear groans and shuffling, I squeeze my hands, searching the hall for danger, my mind alert for anything. I know nothing is coming but it feels like it, like I won't be safe until I am with him.

The door creaks open and Denki starts to lean forward to see who I am but I drag him inside, shutting the door quickly. Once I slip my hand into his the tensions leaves me. I'm ok. Sighing I lean my head against the door.

"Hey, what-"

The soft glow of a lamp turns on with a click and I find myself staring at a wide eyed blonde, my blonde. I shakily let out a breathe, calming myself as he takes me in, then something unexpected happens. He doesn't push me out of his room or yell. He reaches his hand up and stops a tear from running down my face, then holds my face lightly. He looks at me with worry and I can feel myself crumbling. I get teary again and with furrowed, confused eyebrows Denki says, "Hey, woah, Shinso it's okay, I'm here, you're alright now.''

I stare at him and nod, he slowly slips his gaze from my face to our intwined hands, I sniffle before apologizing, "Kaminari, I'm sorry, I know you don't want to see me, but I couldn't think. My only thought was to come to you, I didn't know what else I could do."

It's quiet, his brain runs but he pulls my with our intwined hands to the bed to have me sit. Still feeling shaky I do, "Thank you."

He nods. I look to the floor mistaking his silence for awkwardness, "I know I'm not wanted here and there is no other way to say it, but I had a nightmare. A really bad one."

He chuckles dryly, "Clearly."

Suprised I look up at him, he still looks worried about me but there's something else... shame?

Tilting my head I say, "Kaminari if you don't want me here I can go-"


I stare at him, my heart swelling, he squeezes my hand which I hadn't realized he was still holding, "No. Im here... for you. And please, please call me Denki." His voice wobbles as he asks me to call him by his first name and my heart breaks.

"Ok, and I'm so sorry Denki."

His golden eyes seem deeper than ever before, darkened by something he's scared to share. "Please, don't apologize again, you -fuck- I messed up. It was cruel of me to avoid you and what I said the other day was so awful and full of hatred, I don't know where it even came from. This is my fault too, I never wanted to hurt you but I did and I don't know how to fix that so I stayed away because I thought maybe it would be better, that that was how our story as supposed to end but I was so wrong."

He looks up at my with vulnerable, cautious eyes and unable to express with words. I  break our hands part, draw him in with my hands behind his neck and kiss him. I kiss him so hard I see stars, his hands make their way up to cup my face again and he lightly moans into the kiss. Parting from him I rest my forehead on his and smile nervously. Denki closes his eyes for a moment, his eyelashes long and pretty before fluttering them open again. He says with a breathy laugh, "God I've missed this. I've missed you."

The truth behind his words is clear and all I can think to do is pull him in again, this time less urgently, more calm reminding myself that he's with me and wants this too. Wants me. Slowly we sperate and I whisper, "I'm glad I came."

He laughs, his smile almost more than I can take, "Me too. Hey, does this make me your comfort person?"

Rolling my eyes I pull him off the bed and into me, I hold him close, resting my chin on his head, my arms wrapped tightly around him. He holds me too and I can finally feel my still racing heart begin to calm. Lightly I press a kiss to his head and he hums in appreciation.

In this moment everything feels alright in the world. Like I was pulled out of the longest nightmare imaginable and brought to paradise.

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