The Babbling Blonde Boy

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-Shinso's POV-

Before lunch Kaminari turns to me, he's been fidgeting and cursing randomly all class, it's kinda distracting. He smiles happily, and I notice that his eyes are golden. "Hey, do ya wanna sit at lunch with me?"

I look at him for a few seconds with a bored stare. His cheeks flush and I can't help the amusement that flashes through me, "I'm good, thanks."

He seems disappointed but continues smiling and nods his head, "That's fine, hey is your hair dyed that color or is it real? Cause personally I think that -fuck- Kirishima dyes his hair red and since yours is also an unnatural color I was curious. Is it just genes or hair dye? If it is dyed can you see if Kirishima dyes his hair too, is there some kind of -shit- unspoken thing that lets you guys now that you both dye your hair? Sorry that's a stupid question. Hey do you ever wonder if pro hero Hawks has bird feet since he has bird wings? Maybe -fuck- that's why he always wears those big black boots."

Raising my eyebrows I stare at Kaminari, he seems nice enough but he could be faking it like my 'friends' from the studies course I was previously taking. His questions are kind of funny and I have to say, the thing about hawks having bird Feet does make me curious. Soon enough, as Kaminari babbles into background noise when dad calls for lunch.

I pull myself from my desk, grab my bento box, and head to the lunch room. Looking around it feels much too busy for my taste so instead I head back to the classroom, deciding to eat there. Of course my father is already in the teacher lounge sleeping when I arrive so I sit back at my desk and open my bento.

It was messily made, I'm not a morning person. But I pick up my chop sticks and start eating.

My mind wonders and I'm thankful for being alone. I can only take other people for so long without making me feel drained, it was somehow easier being around Kaminari but he's still a little intense. This weird feeling kept coming over me when he spoke to me so willingly. Like he actually wants to be around me.

Hah. Yeah right. A decent person who isn't scared of me and my stupid mind controlling quirk? Who wouldn't be frightened, not anyone I know besides Mr. Aizawa, my adopted father. But he doesn't need to be because with just one look he can block my quirk.

Flashbacks start, tall burley boys kicking me behind the back of the school. Blood covers my knuckles from trying to protect myself, but these assholes are stronger. Only one of them fell for my mind control and his friends easily snapped him out of it. "Why do you try? You'll just become a villain. Mind controlling everyone and being creepy like you already are. All quiet and dark. Those bags under your eyes sure make you seem like a stalker or something, you pervert." They try to degrade me but I've heard all this shit before. I groan out a, "Fuck you."

The boy who is short with brown hair kicks me hard in the stomach again. I curl into a ball trying to protect myself but another kicks my spine. Pain flares through me over and over and I can't I get up, I'm unable to protect myself. I'm terrible at hand to hand combat and they know better than answering me so I can mind control them to get away. Closing my eyes my fury rages, my forehead seeps out a slow flow of sticky, hot blood that dribbles down my face. I think once again how I wish I didn't have this cursed quirk.

As a kid I've always looked up to the hero Eraser Head, his quirk is similar to mine. So I've always knew I was going to be a hero. I used to watch him on the TV and slick my hair back like it is now like he has it when he is in battle. He is more of a down low hero and I like that. I don't need to be on top, I just want to help people and spite people like those bastards.

They continued beating me up until I was passed out, a teacher must have found me because the next thing I know I woke up in the nurses office on a cot. First year of UA and I'm all ready being bullied again.

My eyes flutter as I'm brought back to reality when I hear the classroom door open. Turning I found and exhausted Aizawa, half asleep in his yellow sleeping back looking like a caterpillar staring back. "I thought I'd find you here," his gruff voice is tired but soft.

Thankful for the distraction, I nod, "Just needed to be away from people for a bit."

He sighs and responds, "I know, but you need to make friends like we talked about. Not everyone is trying to hurt you like the kids from last year, okay? My class might be noisy but they are good kids, all of them."

Closing my eyes I say, "After so many people just faking, it's hard. I can't tell if people are being truthful or not."

"Well sometimes you just have to take chances, it could get you hurt or it could give you the closets friend you have ever had. That's why I had you sit next to Kaminari, sure he has some issues but he's honest and friendly. I think that you two could make good friends if you put the effort in."

I open my eyes again and think over father's words. I'm not sure if I can take more fake friends who throw me out like a piece of trash when they get bored or get new friends. That has happened more often than I'd like to say. And where were they when I was being beat up in the back of the school? Not helping me. I don't think they even noticed even how I flinched when people reached for me or how I was always covered in bruises.

My insomnia didn't help either, making me think that the kids had found my room and entered through the window with bats in black hoodies. They would laugh maliciously before bringing more pain into life. I would wake up in a sweat, tears in my eyes. Usually it didn't wake father or Eri but sometimes I woke up screaming, and I would have to hug Eri so she would stop worrying and dad would make me some tea before trying to get us both back to bed. And the dreams always seem to real that I'm to scared to sleep sometimes. I can't even tell if I'm still dreaming or awake.

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