Test Scores

580 18 3

                       - Denki's POV -

Throughout the rest of class before lunch, the class buzzes around me as usual, but the only thing I can focus on is the clock. Mr. Aizawa takes his time scoring out sheets and is playing a movie so the class is distracted.

Restless in my uncomfortable chair is bounce my leg, my fingers twitch and my neck twists angrily. I do not enjoy sitting still with this much stress.

"Hey." A soft voice says beside me, it takes a few seconds but my mind registers that it's Shinso and when I turn to look at him in find him staring right back at me. "I meant what I said earlier. You've got this, okay? You'll do great on the test and blow your parents, Mr. Aizawa and all your other friends away. I know you, so I have complete faith that you will get at least an A minus." I'm thankful he's here.

I nod my head and send a strained smile his way. "Thanks, I hate waiting." Shinso nods his head and without another word we watch the time tick by slowly, together.

                         - Time skip -

Mr. Aizawa calls our names up to get our tests. "Aoyama, Ashido, Asui, Ida, Ururaka, Ojiro." As he files through the names my classmates stand up and walk to get their tests you can see both the gloomy or pride that shines on each of the students faces as they come back.

"Kaminari." Soundly eyes are on me, my breath is caught in my throat and I move from behind my desk to the front of the class. He hands me my paper and before I can look at it he pats my back and actually smiles at me. "Good job Kaminari, Kirishima, Koda..."

As the rest of the names melt into background noise I walk to my desk, paper and hand and only until I sit down do I see that I got 99/99. I smile widely and turn to Shinso but he's up and out of his seat. He must have been called, I'll show him once he gets back.

I watch carefully and Aizawa asks him something. He smiles and nods before walking back. I proudly slide my test to his desk and wait for his reaction.

Shinso's eyes scan my paper before turning to me, eyes gleaming and the biggest most beautiful smile I have ever seen finds it's place on his face. "I told you." Is all he says to me, but I can tell he wants to say more. Sadly he doesn't let on or continue and I glance at his paper, he got the same score as me. Of course he got a hundred percent on the test, it's Shinso! He's super smart, something I've always admired about him.

Once the last name is called, which is fairly quickly, I head out with Shinso, inviting him to have lunch at my table. Surprisingly, he agrees this time and trails behind me. In the mass confusion of hangry teenagers with superpowers we lose my friends but as soon as I'm in the lunch room I wave my hands to them happily. I quickly make my way over to them, Shinso in tow.

                        (Shinso's POV)

I sit awkwardly beside Denki as his friends and him chatter loudly. Kirishima notice my hesitance and says, "Hey Shinso, how's life treating ya?"

I open my bento box and respond, "I'm doing okay, how about you?"

He gives me a shark tooth grin, "Can't complain, how'd you do on your test?"

This catches the groups attention, "Oh, I got one hundred percent." I feel their gazes burning into me but they don't seems cruel. Kirishima responds, "Awesome, I got 97/99 with Bakubros help!"

I nod and the other chime in. Bakugo looks like he's gonna blow Kirishima's head off, "I told you not to call me that shitty hair, I got 99/99 as always."

Sero rolls his eyes at Bakugo before looking at me, "I got 84/99."

Mina groans, "am I the only one bad at school? I got 72/99 but I studied well... Actually I forgot too but it's fine I have an A in class so it won't mess me up to bad."

I look to Denki, who is already looking at me and I nod encouragingly. Nervously I reach over and squeeze his hand before dropping it, scared of what he will think. Denki doesn't seem to mind the contact though, he reaches back for my hand and I'm glad he's looking through his bag for his test so he can't see my face burning crimson. He is so fucking cute. How is he playing this cool.

But then I notice he's hand slightly shaking and little glances from me to our entwined hands as if he's scared I'll pull away. Finally after searching through his bag, he pulls out his test, slams it on the table and smiles brightly and all I can think is how he is like the sun. Bright, energetic, warm and comforting.

"Guys look! I got a hundred percent on mine, too!" He looks ecstatic and Mina claps him on the back like a proud mom. Kirishima smile and Bakugo... well it Bakugo. He just grunts and eats some of his lunch. That is covered in hot sauce. I almost gag but Sero grabs my attention.

His eyes brows raise in surprise, "Really? How'd you cheat?" Mina smacks him like she was thinking the same thing but didn't want to say it.

I stare Sero down and respond deadpanned, "He didn't, he studied with me."

"Really? I'm surprised. How long did it take him?"

My mouth gapes open, Kirishima starts to protest but I glare at Sero. My anger bubbles up inside me and I have the sudden urge to grab him by his stupid uniform, pull him over the table and punch him so hard that his teeth go down his throat and he can never say another idiotic thing about Denki again.

"Denki worked hard. He already knew most of the stuff, just forgot some little things. He is so much smarter than you think and he should not have to prove himself to you. He is not stupid and just because his quirk is too powerful and literally fries his brain does not mean you can belittle him. He has been through more than you will ever know just because of his quirk, don't you see it causes him pain? And even after you saw it make him pass out and have the need to go to the nurses office at the sports festival, you still have the stomach to make fun of him? Maybe he's not the idiotic one, cause I'm pretty sure it's you."

The table is silent but Kirishima and Bakugo nod in agreement, and attempt to give me strength. I turn to Denki but his spot is empty. At some point he slipped away, right through my fingers. "Fuck."

I stand and look around for him but he's not in the cafeteria, I turn back but Kirishima and Bakugo are already beside me, Kirishima says, "Let's find him."

We run through every hall way, check every class room and even his dorm yet he seems to have disappeared. The longer it takes to find him the more worried I become for the boy who is my sun.

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