"I wanted to ask how the RN program was going. Aren't you taking your test next week?"

"Oh..." I mumbled, before I nodded a little. "Yeah, it's next week."

"And you're studying hard? Are you confident you'll pass?"

"Yeah, I'm studying when I can. I'm pretty confident. You know I did really well on my CNA and LVN tests. Why are you worried about my RN's?"

"Well, it's a lot of money." She grumbled. "But I wasn't worried. Not until I called you anyway."

"Why would calling me make you worried?" I asked with a little frown.

"Well." She scoffed back at me. "Have you looked in the mirror recently?"

"Uh..." I rose an eyebrow. "Not since yesterday, why?"

"Oh. So that's why you didn't want to video call me." She grumbled. "Go look in the mirror."

I frowned a little at her, but stood up so I could see myself in the mirror. Only for my eyes to widen when I saw my chest and neck covered from top to bottom in hickies, along with Chan's mating bite on full display.

"It definitely looks like you haven't been studying." She grumbled as I stared in shock at myself.

"N-No, no no--" I sputtered. "I have! It's just--"

"It's just that you have a lot of explaining to do. Starting with that bite on your neck. Because that doesn't look fresh, sweetie."

"It--" I bit my lip as I looked at her, before I sighed. "Yeah, it's not..." I mumbled honestly.

She hummed, watching me with a slight annoyed expression. "So do you want to tell me how long you've had an alpha then?"

"Um..." I averted my gaze.

Well, technically...he isn't my alpha, but...

How the hell am I supposed to tell my mom that...?

"Hello?" She grumbled. "It's not that hard of a question, Felix."

I looked back at her with a nervous expression, before I averted my gaze again. "Look..." I mumbled. "I am twenty two, so...it's...okay if I...do my own thing..."

She glared at me when I avoided her question. "Excuse me?" She hissed. "Felix, I don't care what you're doing so long as you finish your education. But you better not be calling me before you're stable telling me you have a pup and no baby daddy. I'm not going to help you if you make a stupid mistake. I know you're smarter than that."

"I am smarter than that. And...we were safe, so..."

"Okay. But if you intend to continue on with whoever this alpha is, especially if he's going to bite you like this, then maybe you should figure out what you are before you let him do as he pleases. Do you understand me?"

"Yes ma, I understand. But...it's kind of complicated. I'm the one that's not sure, not him. And...there's...more to it, so..."

"What do you mean?"

"...I don't want to tell you. Not yet at least. But..." I bit my lip. "It's me, not him. He's a responsible man, and...he's really good to me. I just haven't made my decision whether or not I want to be with him or not yet."

"But you let him bite you?"

"Well...yeah. It's not permanent, so why not?"

"You're leading him on."

"I mean..." I frowned a little. "We're...kind of dating, so...not really..."

She frowned at me, but then she huffed. "Okay, fine. So how old is he? Does he have a good job? Is he handsome?"

I'm Not Poly | Felix X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now