"What about teleportation?" You interrupted.

Sonic let out a small chuckle. "Hah, Y/n. Everyone knows that a teleportation from our planet to space is way to far. It's impossible to do so."

You suddenly felt like an idiot. You turned your head a bit and looked towards where Shadow was standing. When he came to rescue you from the death egg, you had accused him of just teleporting when in reality it was impossible to even do that. Wow, you felt like an asshole. You turned your head back towards Sonic before Shadow caught your gaze. "Really..." You gulped, your ears drooping a bit.

"Yeah, I assumed everyone knew that though."

"Heh...yeah...but anyways, I don't think this is a good idea." You stated, in all seriousness.

"Oh, come on, Y/n. Relax. I know you're kinda traumatized, but we all are. We need to except the fact they're gone...I don't want you to just always be sad. That's not good for you." Sonic exclaimed.

You were touched by his concern, but you knew he was wrong, they were still alive. You could feel it. "It's not a good idea, Sonic. Trust me."

"Even Knuckles agrees, Y/n. We all do." As if speaking of the devil, Knuckles walked in with a cup of coffee in hand. You didn't appreciate having to see him twice in two days, but now you would have to speak to him. You had to convince him to not let this whole party thing happen.

"Commander, I don't think this is a good idea." You spoke up.

Knuckles looked around a moment seeming confused you even spoke to him. "...What's not?" He finally asked.

"This party. If the whole city is gonna be there...that could be the perfect time for Eggman to attack."

"...Eggman is dead, Y/n."

Ugh. Now you were just starting to get pissed off. No one was listening to you. "But, Knuck— Commander, there's still so much we need to learn about...Infinite and his power." Knuckles didn't even seem to be listening. He was more or less just staring into space. "...Um, hello? Knuckles."

"Sorry, what?"

"You're not even listening." You growled. He sorta just shrugged before walking off. "Thanks for your help, asshole." You mumbled.

Sonic gave you a blank stare. "Wow, didn't realize you and Knux had tension."

"Well, we do." You said, crossing your arms.

"Listen, Y/n. While you were gone, we learned a lot about Infinite and his powers."

"...You did?"

"Yes. I can fill you in if you're really that worried."

"I am."

"I can tell her." You turned to see Silver behind you.

You and Silver had settled back in your room. He had made you promise to let him finish the movie if he told you, which you agreed. You sat at your vanity, Silver on your bed, as you continued to do the rest of your make up. "Well, hm, where to start... I guess first off, the source of infinite's power is called the phantom ruby."

You turned towards him. "Ruby?"

"Yes. I'm not sure if he's really approached you personally, but I'm sure you've noticed the ruby on his chest."

You nodded your head. "...I have." You were wondering where that came from, but now that made sense.

"He has the powers to make illusions. Illusions that feel and seem so real, they can physically hurt you."

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