Sonic's Return

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You only woke up a few times on the way back to the base. Everytime you did, Rouge was sleeping, sometimes Knuckles was there, sometimes he wasn't. You wondered if you should get up and talk to him about what happened earlier, but you were just so tired. You weren't sure what time it was when you made it back to the chemical plant, all you knew is that you didn't walk back to the base yourself. Someone must've carried you, because the next morning you were neatly tucked into your bed at the base.

You looked around your room slowly, recalling every event from the night before. You grumbled as you sat up in your bed, the light from the window hitting you, making your eyes squint. Your thoughts wandered a bit. Your heart wanted to think about Zero, but your mind told you other wise. What was important right now, was seeing if Sonic was okay.

You stood up slowly and stumbled a bit as your feet touched the ground. You felt like you hadn't walked in forever. You slowly made your way towards the door, when it suddenly opened right in front of you. You jumped, practically falling straight into the arms of the person who opened it. Knuckles.

"...You okay?" He asked, lifting you up a bit. You looked straight into his eyes for just a moment, before looking away quickly. "Glad I caught you." Knuckles chuckled. You just looked down. Why was he acting so thought he hated you. "Y/n...?" He repeated, letting go of you and waving a hand in front of your face.

"...How's Sonic?" You asked, stepping away from his reach.

"He's resting." Knuckles replied. "He should live though...if that's what you're asking."

You nodded your head. "Well, I was just off to see Sonic myself, so see you later." You exclaimed, about to walk towards the door.

"Stop." Knuckles stated, putting his arm in front of you. "You're acting weird."

"Me. Weird? No." You responded, trying to plaster a fake smile on your face.

Knuckles crinkled his nose a bit. "Okay...Weirder."

"Everyone's weird."

"...Y/n, if you think I'm mad at you for last night, you're wrong. I was just frustrated, y'know?"

So he didn't hate you? "Really?" You asked.

"Yeah, I guess I just felt like I failed Sonic...and you. That monster could've really hurt you." Knuckles told you.

"Monster..." You repeated his words quietly.

"And, the reason why I wouldn't let you sleep was because I was scared if you wouldn't be waking back up." He added, scratching his quills.

"Thank you, Knuckles." You replied, gently smiling at him. "But seriously, I want to go see Sonic."

"Yeah, sorry." He said, putting his arm down. As soon as you left the room, you ran as quickly as possible to the hospital part of the base. You entered the room quickly to see Amy sitting on Sonic's hospital bed next to him, he was still asleep.

"Oh, hey, Y/n. I was actually just leaving so you can take my spot if you want." Amy offered, giving Sonic's hand a gentle pat before standing up and walking over to you. "Glad to see you're doing better, Y/n." Amy added cheerfully.

"Thanks Amy, how's Sonic doing?" You asked.

"Well, he's doing better than he was yesterday, but I imagine he's still in a lot of pain." Amy exclaimed, frowning a little.


"Well, I'm going to go speak with Silver for a while, see you later." Amy concluded, looking back at Sonic once with a smile before walking out of the room. You watched as she left. You sighed quietly, she reminded you of yourself when you were just a bit younger. You shook your head before walking over to Sonic's hospital bed, sitting where Amy once had been. You looked at a large scratch on Sonic's face and frowned. You sorta felt that all this was your fault.

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