Memories from a Dream

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"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up! Please!" You could hear someone crying as you clung onto the last bit of life you had. You felt yourself being turned so you were laying on your back, Sonic's figure right in front of you. "Oh— Oh my god!" He trembled as he placed his hands on your chest, staining his white gloves red. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry..."

You didn't understand what was happening. You were tired. You could barely keep your eyes open.

"Just hold on, okay! Please." Sonic cried. "I'm going to get help. You're gonna be fine. Just stay awake!" He exclaimed, before suddenly running off. Your eyes wandered around a moment. Zero was gone...? Your eyes fluttered shut again. Maybe everything would make sense after a nap. For some reason though, Sonic's words to stay awake just kept ringing out in your head.

There was suddenly a weird noise that made your ear twitch. You heard a few footsteps before feeling someone loom over you. They placed their hand on your neck for a moment before letting out what seemed to be a sigh of relief.

"Don't close your eyes." You heard them speak, a hand gently feeling your forehead. "I know it might be hard right now, but staying awake is your best bet." You didn't in any way respond. How could he possibly expect you to keep your eyes open? "Y/n. Now." It was more of a demand than a suggestion.

You fluttered your eyes open with all the strength you had. Shadow was looming right over you. "Good." He praised. "Now, I'm going to help you, okay? I realize you're in no position to move, but I can at least make this more comfortable for you. Alright?"

You slowly nodded the best you could before feeling Shadow raise you up a bit. You let out a groan, your ears drooping. He carried you out of the road and up against the side of a building so you could sit upright. You supposed the position was a bit more comfortable, but it didn't help the just wanted to sleep. Your head drooped down your eyes shutting again.

You heard Shadow sigh. "You truly are a reckless woman... Luckily for you, I won't allow you to die." You felt his hand grab onto your face gently. "Open your eyes. Can you see it?" You opened your eyes again, he had directed your sights right to the now rising sun.


"It is beautiful, isn't it?"


"Now, just imagine sitting on the beach, that sun right in front of you."


"I need you to just focus on staying alive so you can go there someday. Forget everything else. Just stay alive."

It seemed you already were forgetting everything though. Only one person remained in your mind. It seemed you could barely even remember who was sitting next to you right now. "...Y-You...are..."

"It's okay. Don't push yourself to hard. That's it. You don't know me." He encouraged, letting go of your face, your head drooping again. "There you go. Just forget it. Only focus on survival..."

You sniffled. "I can't see him...can't feel him...can't do's just all dark..."

Shadow looked over you once, a pitiful yet concerned look on his face. "It's alright. More help will be here soon..." He said softly. You closed your eyes again, seemingly passing out for a moment before waking back up to voices. A female voice. She was just crying and crying. "Rouge come on, me and Sonic need you over here!" You heard Shadow's voice.

"I-I'm sorry...I can't...can't..." You heard her cry, sounding like she was about to be sick. You felt something being wrapped around you. "It's worse than I thought...just bandages won't suffice. Now her only chance of surviving is getting back to the base..."

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