Truth or Dare

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About a week had passed since the incident. You all had taken it easy since then, which was actually great. There were no missions, for once you were all just acting like normal teenagers. It was like a week-long slumber party. All you guys really did was eat, sleep, watch movies, and play games. It was the most fun you'd had in a while. Shadow and Knuckles didn't always partake in these games, which honestly wasn't very out of character for them, but you couldn't help but feel that Knuckles' case was different. You felt like he was just trying to avoid you. You two hadn't spoke at all since the incident. You wanted to approach him a few times and try to talk, but you were way to nervous for that. Eventually, you just hoped you guys would start talking again.

You were currently in your room with Karlee, Shadow, Silver, and Espio. Karlee had managed to entertain both Shadow and Espio with cat videos which was truly a sight to see. You don't think you've ever seen Espio more focused on something in your entire life. Shadow hung halfway off your bed, his head on the floor and his legs on your bed. It looked like something a little kid would do, or if someone accidentally fell out of their bed. He had originally been laying on his back on your bed, but when Karlee gestured for him he simply just slid his head down until it reached her and Espio's level.

You and Silver were on your bed playing checkers. You laying on your stomach with your legs slowly kicking in the air. Silver was sitting up...he seemed to be the only one sitting normal in the room. You were down to your last red piece. This game stressed the hell out of you, but you were determined to win.

Silver moved his piece diagonal from yours. "Checkmate." He declared.

You grinned. "That's chess, Silver." You giggled, before double jumping over his last two pieces.

"What!?" Silver growled, flinging the board with his telekinesis.

You laughed. "Hah, told you I was a master at that game!" Silver frowned. "You're picking that up." You added, looking at the board which was now flung halfway across the room.

"Yeah, yeah." Silver grumbled, floating the bored back over towards you two. "Just wait, you may be the master at checkers, but I'm a master at monopoly!" He challenged you.

"Bring it!" You shot back. You were about to grab the game when Rouge walked through the door, making everyone's attention turn towards her. She was dragging knuckles by his quills straight into your room. No way were you having him in your room! Before you could say anything, Sonic ran in, with Amy, Vector, and Tails following. That was everyone in the base...except for little Charmy who you assumed was in bed.

" Uh, want to explain what's happening right now?" You asked Rouge, sitting up.

"We're all gonna play a game together, that's what."

Shadow seemed to cringe. "And, that's my que to leave." He exclaimed, tilting his ear a bit.

"No way, Mister. I dragged everyone else here, so don't think for one moment I won't drag you back here from where ever you go." Rouge threatened.

"Fair enough." Shadow sighed, leaning his head back down.

Rouge then looked back at you with a smile. "So your dorm, your pick. What do you wanna do, beautiful?" What you wanted to do was kick everyone out, but technically this was Rouge's dorm too, so that would be unfair. It's not like you really wanted to kick everyone out...just that ungrateful little echidna...whom you still hadn't spoken a word to.

You just let out a sigh before responding. "We could do something like...truth or dare...or maybe never have I ever?" You suggested.

Rouge smirked. "I love a good game of truth or dare. Come on everyone, let's make a circle." Everyone made their way into a circle on the floor. Shadow let out a grumble before sliding off the bed all the way and turning to sit down and join the circle. "Alright. Who wants to go— Rouge started to say.

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