The Final Goodbye

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You were currently walking down the road towards the red gate bridge. The night air was warm and gentle, a perfect time for walking really. It had been easy to sneak out of the base. Everyone was passed out from all the partying and drinking from earlier. The bridge was in sight, you slowed your pace a bit as you stepped onto it. Just up ahead was a figure...just as you assumed. They were just staring straight down at the water below, one of their hands clutching onto their mask. You crept over towards them, they didn't even realize you were behind them until you spoke up.

"...Don't do it." You said. They immediately turned, their one yellow eye and one blue eye staring into yours. "Hello, Zero." You smiled at him.

He seemed completely shook. "What are you...?"

"I knew you'd be here. Come on, we can talk about it." You added softly, taking his hand. He stiffened but didn't say anything, simply followed along to where you were taking him. It was a bit of a walk down, the two of you silent the whole way, but that was to be expected. You led him down, down, down, to a small little cove under the bridge. It was basically hidden from the rest of the world so it made you feel safe.

You don't remember how you stumbled upon it exactly, but you think you were trying to get down to the water. You had always enjoyed visiting the ocean, and that little cove was perfect. There was a little bit of sand, and then a patch of grass surrounded by the rocky walls of the cove. You'd come here multiple times to clear your mind and it was probably the one place no one knew about...until now.

You let go of his hand and ran over towards the water, running around the shore like a child. It seemed the jackal truly did have reason to call you a little girl, but you couldn't help it. "Isn't it just beautiful?" You gushed. Zero didn't respond. You turned to see him sitting in the patch of grass, just watching you. You could tell he felt completely lost. You walked back over to him and sat down next to him. The cove air was a bit colder than the outside, but nothing to bad. It was quiet, the two of you just staring forward.

"...I didn't mean it, you know." You suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.

He looked at you. "Huh...?"

"...I don't know why I said it...I guess I was just so sad, upset, and confused in that moment...I ended up saying something that wasn't true."


"I forgive you for everything, because I know it wasn't your fault. None of it."

Zero shook his head, seeming unamused that you had said such a thing. "You're wrong. ...I'm not capable of feeling anything but hate and vengeance."

"You're wrong! You were tricked into taking that ruby and it changed you!"

"Wrong again...I took it willingly, so I deserved whatever consequence that came with it...and that includes you."

The bit of anger that was in your eyes disappeared when he said that. Your face now just turning to something sad.

"I don't deserve you, Y/n. You shouldn't be here. I don't know what made you come looking for me, but you shouldn't have. We're not right for each other at all. We're to different...and there's no going back from my mistakes. You deserve someone who will love and cherish you no matter what. Someone that won't let their selfishness get in the way of their feelings for you. ...Go home, little girl. We should not see each other anymore. You need to stay away from me...for your own sake."

You just stared at him. You could tell it had been hard for him to say all that, but what he didn't understand was him saying that made you realize even more that he did truly care about you. Besides, you've proved enough already that you couldn't stay away from him for long. It was almost impossible.

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