Team Dark's Break In

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Your ears twitched as you heard the sound of voices. You suddenly woke up to a large crash. You immediately jumped up from your bed and looked over to Karlee's side of the room. You watched as three figures jumped through a large hole in the wall. One of them immediately ran straight to Karlee, a black and red hedgehog. You've definitely seen him before, but you just couldn't think clearly. You had a splitting headache and you could hardly remember anything from last night.

"Hey! Hey, wake up!" The hedgehog yelled, shaking Karlee. "Fuck..." He cursed, shaking her a bit more, but to no avail. "Hey! Karlee! Come on!" He yelled. You suddenly saw her eye flinch and she let out a soft whimper. "Thank god..." The hedgehog whispered. "Rouge." He then spoke, a white bat walking up next to him. "Can you break this?" He asked, gesturing towards the handcuffs around Karlee's wrists.

"Piece of cake." The bat replied, and in one swipe, she easily broke them.

"Alright, I got what I came for, now let's move out!" The hedgehog commanded, picking Karlee up in his arms. The hedgehog then looked at the third figure whom was still standing by the large hole in the wall. "Are all the enemies still down?" He asked the large robot in front of him.

"Scanning." The robot spoke. "Affirmative. All of robotnicks robots are destroyed."

"Rouge, let's go! It's all clear." The hedgehog stated.

But the bat, Rouge, was staring right at you instead of making her escape. "Hold it, Shadow! You're not just gonna leave this girl here are you?" The bat asked pointing at you.

The hedgehog turned towards you and narrowed his eyes a bit. "It doesn't matter to me what happens to that girl."

"But Shadow, if we leave her here, she could die!" The bat protested. The hedgehog sighed before yelling chaos spear! The iron bars in front of you immediately broke and the bat ran over to your side to make sure you were okay.

"Alright, now let's go, before the robots come back!" The hedgehog commanded.

The bat grabbed your arm and pulled you along as the four of you began to run. "Come on honey, we're gonna get you out of here!" She exclaimed, as you all continued to run down the hallways.

You ran through some parts of the lab you've never seen before. You knew the place was big, but not this big.

You had been quiet this entire time when suddenly something crossed your mind. The master emerald! "Wait!" You suddenly spoke up.

Everyone turned towards you with blank expressions. "What's wrong, Hun?" The bat asked.

"We can't just leave the master emerald here!" You exclaimed.

"What?" The hedgehog asked confused.

"You mean...the master emerald is here!?" The bat asked, seeming very interested in the topic. "I'll be happy to go and get it." She replied, her eyes seeming to light up.

"You're not going anywhere." The hedgehog spoke up. "I'll go get it."

"But, what about Karlee?" The bat asked.

The hedgehog frowned before looking up at the large robot. "Omega, I'm counting on you to keep her safe." He requested, handing Karlee over to the robot.

"Mission affirmative: Protect." The robot agreed.

"You." The hedgehog spoke, gesturing towards you. "Where's the master emerald?" He asked sternly.

You had no idea where you were right now, let alone where the master emerald was. "Um, I..."

"Speak up, girl." You could hardly talk though. All you could seem to do was stare into his crimson red eyes. The male eventually heaved out a breath at your silence. "Forget it, I'll go find it myself." He concluded, sprinting down the hallway in the other direction.

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