The Resistance

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You slept better than expected. You hadn't slept like that since you've been with your clan...

You were still in a deep slumber when you felt that something was off. There was something different in your room...a presence. As much as you wanted to keep on sleeping, you told yourself that you needed to figure out what this was. You opened your eyes slowly, and when you saw what was in front of you, you screamed at the top of your lungs, jumping up in your bed.

"No, shh, shh! "Shadow hushed, lunging over to you and immediately placing his hand over your mouth. "Shh, you gotta be quiet. I don't think I'm supposedly to be here."

"Yeah, no kidding." You replied, pushing his hand off your mouth. He frowned at you and crossed his arms. "Okay, sorry if that sounded rude, but do you know what time it is?"

"Yes, it says it right there." He pointed out, gesturing towards a clock on the wall.

"Harhar." You replied sarcastically.

He cleared his throat. "In all seriousness though, I need to talk to you."

"Alright, what is it?"

"I wanna know how you got into Eggman's base. How'd you get into that entire mess? ...Or were you supposed to be there?" He questioned.

"...What do you mean by that?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"Just answer the damn question."

"Okay, I was kidnapped."

Shadow put one of his hands on his chin as if in deep thought. "...The Doctor doesn't take hostages without good cause, you must've been important to his plan." He spoke up after a moment.

"Um, he needed me to tell him something about the chaos emeralds...but, I didn't actually have that information." You informed.

"Right, Knuckles said something about you living where the keepers of the chaos emeralds were. Do you know how to get there from here?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, but I don't." You answered. Even if you did know, you weren't sure you'd have the heart to tell him..

"Mhm. Well, as you know, Karlee is quite injured right now. We're not actually sure when she'll recover. We originally sent her there as a spy to see what she could figure out about the Doctor, but unfortunately it seemed she was unable to make her escape." He explained to you. "We don't want to rush her recovery, so I was wondering if you'd be willing to come down to our base today and tell us what you know."

"...This question couldn't have waited till morning?" You asked playfully.

"I didn't want you to feel pressured." He replied, crossing his arms again.

You wanted to laugh. Just him being around made you feel pressured. But you kept it to yourself. "Alright, yes. I'll come to your base." You exclaimed.

"Good, I assume that Rouge will be visiting you soon. Ask her about it and she'll take you." He explained, before turning and disappearing in a multi colored flash. You lowered your eyelids. A troublesome fellow...

You were surprised he had even come and talked to you. You thought he hated you, but you did also remember what Rouge had said...that he was kind on the inside. Oh well, you'd shake it off for now.

Before you could really finish your train of thought, Rouge came bursting through the doors. "Hey, Y/n!" She beamed happily.

"Hello, Rouge." You replied with a yawn.

"Are you ready to get out of this place?"

"Yeah." You responded. "Um, Shadow told me to ask you if you could fly me to your guy's base..."

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