510 31 8

third person
star creator high, 11:59pm

y/n arrived at the garden entrance and found junhyeon waiting for her.

"hi baby." junhyeon greeted, pulling her into a hug.

"hello." y/n smiled, laughing a bit. "you seem very clingy." she told him, hugging him back.

"I'm only like this for you." he pouted, resting his chin on her head.

"that's a lie but okay." she smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. after, she dragged him with her to the gardening room.

the gardening room was right beside the garden entrance. this class was usually where the gardening students would prepare and whatever. since it was getting colder, they started moving some of the plants inside or in the greenhouse.

"wait, it looks so good here." y/n awed.

she took a few steps around the place, admiring how it looked. junhyeon glanced around before watching her walk around with a big smile on his face.

"y/n~ come here~!" junhyeon started whining. he started making grabbing hands at her and pouting.

y/n turned around to look at him when he started calling for her like a baby. she smiled and skipped back over to him.

when she got to him, he immediately pulled her into a big hug.

"awwww you're just the cutest person in the world!" he spoke, using a baby voice. he shook her around while he was hugging her, showering her in kisses afterwards.

y/n chuckled, stopping him by placing one of her hands over his lips.

"hyeon, stop it~." she smiled. when he let go, she sat down at one of the tables and actually took her food out.

junhyeon followed her, taking a seat beside her and taking out his food as well.

they finally decided to eat but not without junhyeon insisting that he'll feed her. sometimes, y/n felt like she was babysitting him.

---> ☆ <---

it was now the time for y/n's spare. she was busy studying for her physics exam that would be next week.

she sighed, highlighting a few things in her workbook.

she had a feeling that she would be bothered soon. she already had a guess on who this certain someone would be.

---> ☆ <---

about fifteen minutes later, there was a tap on her shoulder. she looked up from her work and turned around in her seat to see who it was.

she guessed right.

it was the one and only, kum junhyeon.

she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"hyeon, what are you doing here? shouldn't you be in class?" she complained, turning back to her work.

"I'm already finished all the work so I'm skipping." he said, taking a seat beside her.

"what are you working on?" he asked in return.

"I'm studying for my uni physics class. we have a unit final next week." y/n replied, writing down three formulas under the question she was working on.

"god, that sounds like hell. how are you even taking the university course right now?" junhyeon sighed, grimacing at the idea of university physics.

"I mean, my parents raised me to be very studious? I'm not quite sure. all I know is that I wanted to please my parents and make them make my academic ego bigger when I was younger." y/n shrugged, remembering her times that she craved academic validation. she did, still kind of want academic validation but it wasn't as much as before.

junhyeon stared at her weirdly, not knowing this surprising past of her, despite always bring with her.

y/n looked up at him since he was being awfully quiet and didn't say anything. when she saw the face he was making at her, she rolled her eyes and hit his arm before she went back to studying.

a comfortable silence dawned upon them as y/n studied and junhyeon watched, fascinated.

PEACE AND &quot;QUIET&quot; ; kum junhyeonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu