XI ☆

582 31 4

third person
star creator high, 7:45am

the door was locked. she assumed that something must've happened to the teacher as the teacher would usually already be sitting in the class with the doors opened.

she sighed and turned back around. y/n had to find something to do because she wasn't going to just stand outside of the classroom door for the next fifteen minutes.

she started to wander around the school, in hopes of finding something or someone to entertain her.

"is that... kamden?" she asked herself as she spotted someone that looked like one of her friends. she squinted her eyes, hoping that she'd get a better vision but it didn't do anything.

y/n decided to walk over to him and made sure that it was kamden before patting his shoulder.

"good morning, kam." she greeted in english. said boy looked up from his phone and turned around to look at her.

"morning." he replied, in english as well.

kamden, matthew, and y/n usually had their conversations in english, as it was more comfortable for the three.

"what're you doing? you look lonely." y/n smiled.

"I was texting junhyeon. he was complaining about how you thought he was being weird and how he might get bruises from hanbin." he replied, slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"why're you just walking around?" he asked in return.

"my class doors are locked for some reason so I went to find something to do until class starts." she responded. kamden nodded and they started walking around together.

"wait, dude. what happened to your uniform? it looks like a mess." y/n pointed out, finally realizing.

"I helped gyuvin clean out his car this morning. who knew that junhyeon, hanbin and taerae could make such a mess." he said, a lazy smile on his face.

y/n nodded in understandment and stopped walking. she stopped in front of him and helped fix up his uniform.

"you might get in trouble and I don't want that for you.." she muttered. she knew that those strict teachers who patrolled the school whenever they could would catch him and give him detention or something. so, to keep hin out of trouble, she decided to fix his uniform.

the last thing she had to do was redo his tie. as she was doing so, she felt a presence behind her.

"junhyeon?" she asked, turning around for a quick second to look at who it was.

guess who.

if you guessed kum junhyeon, you were right!

he moved to stand beside kamden.

"y/n, what're you doing?" he questioned. said girl looked at him as soon as she finished the tie.

"he looked all disheveled and shit because he was busy helping gyuvin clean up your mess so I helped him fix his fit because I didn't want him to get in trouble with those teachers." she explained. she was such a good friend.

junhyeon nodded and turned to kamden. he stated conversation with him yet again, but dragged y/n into it this time.

what great timing.

PEACE AND "QUIET" ; kum junhyeonWhere stories live. Discover now