507 26 8

third person
star creator high, 9:27am

y/n was sat in class, junhyeon's sweater on top of her own. she got warm enough to take off the sweaters she was wearing.

they had an actual lesson today. they were going to do a lesson for half the class, then the other half would be for their projects. their project work half was the first half of the class. they were now close to hitting the end of class.

y/n has been sitting there for a very long time now, to the point where she was starting to lose feeling in her behind.

'oh c'mon, y/n. it's just a few more minutes.' y/n tried to cheer herself on. the teacher kept on rambling and going off track of what they were supposed to be doing so most of the students were doing something else.

some people were on their phones under their tables, some were asleep, and some were doing other work. taerae and jeonghyeon were two of those, taerae doing other work and jeonghyeon asleep.

y/n looked over to hikaru, noticing that she was also asleep. y/n and hikaru stayed over at the huening household, once again. they slept pretty late because kai convinced them to stay up and watch movies with him.

junhyeon was doodling all over an empty page in y/n's physics workbook. she had basic physics A as her third class, it being a university class.

y/n yawned quietly, leaning her head on the arms, which were placed on the table. she watched as her boyfriend drew on her workbook, smiling at the little drawings.

y/n brought up her pencil and started drawing with junhyeon, drawing little hearts and stars around his drawings.

she even wrote some random words around the paper as she waited for time to pass.

"just a few more minutes.." y/n whispered to herself, quietly sighing afterwards.

---> ☆ <---

class did not end in a few minutes. there was a lockdown test. but it was a surprise.

the surprise lockdown drill shocked a lot of students and made quite a few of them scared.

y/n shot up from her lying position when she heard the announcement go off. their teacher hurriedly told them to close and lock the doors, as well as the windows and close the blinds.

as soon as they were done, everyone gathered at the back of the room and sat on the floor.

y/n was sat beside junhyeon, as per usual. it was like they were meant to be together.

the two were sat at the very back, their backs leaning on the wall. they were lucky to get the corner of the room. junhyeon sat in the corner, laying his head in said corner as well. y/n leaned on him, knees up to her chest. she had her blanket for her lap covering her legs.

junhyeon slid an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. he was scrolling on his phone with his left hand, having the volume and brightness all the way down.

y/n was basically cuddled up into his side, closing her eyes.

they would be stuck here for a while.

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