484 24 4

third person
star creator high, 9:51am

their first class was way done at this time but they were stuck in the lockdown drill.

"lockdown drill my ass. I think this might be real." y/n whispered to junhyeon, who was now playing with her hair. she still cuddled up to him, her eyes drooping.

she was getting more tired, her legs feeling numb, no matter how she placed them. whether she had them tucked under her chin, stretched out, or under her, they quickly fell asleep.

she sighed, taking another glance at everyone else in her class. most, if not all, were on their phones or asleep. y/n hoped that this "drill" would end soon. she just wanted to eat and then sleep.

---> ☆ <---

the drill ended as lunch was about to start. turns out, the vice principal and a few other administrators went around the entire school and tried to "enter the classrooms" to see if they were actually following the lockdown rules.

y/n sat up from junhyeon's side and rubbed her eyes. she had just woken up.

she checked her phone to see what the time was before standing up. just as she did, the ending announcement came up.

the announcement woke everyone who was asleep and they started to get their stuff.

y/n stretched before she crouched down beside junhyeon.

"hyeon.." she whispered, her voice coarse and raspy. she poked his cheek with her finger continuously.

"I don't want to get up." he whined. y/n grabbed his hands in hers and pulled him up, forcing him to stand up.

after he stood up, she let go of his hands and walked over to their table to pack up her things.

when she finished, the lunch bell actually rang and she was off with hikaru.

"WAIT Y/N!" junhyeon yelled, running after the girl. he held her wrist as she stopped walking.

talk about a kdrama moment.

y/n turned around, hikaru stopping beside her.

her hair flew around in the wind, butterflies and flowers surrounding her-

"what is it?" y/n asked, looking at the male for an answer. he stopped her in the middle of the hallway and everyone was watching.

"I was just uh... where are you going?" he stuttered, not expecting her to blatantly ask.

"me and hikaru are going to buy something for hiyyih. it's her favorite today and she isn't here." y/n replied.

"I'm going to give it to her and then go home after we buy it anyways." hikaru added, trying to hint that he could eat with her.

again, everyone else in their group knew because junhyeon made it pretty obvious.

"oh. okay." junhyeon replied. before he let go, he pulled her closer to him a bit so he could whisper to her.

"meet me at the garden entrance when you're done." he whispered quickly. y/n nodded and said bye, turning back around with hikaru.

the two girls went to the cafeteria while junhyeon told the others (as in their "the boyz" gc) that he couldn't eat with them.

---> ☆ <---

after that got bahiyyih's favorite, hikaru packaged it up and put it in her bag. the two went to the entrance of the school.

"bye, karu! I'll see you tomorrow." y/n said goodbye, hugging hikaru.

"bye y/n. I'll text you later." she replied, smiling before she turned to leave.

y/n waved at the girl until she was far enough to not see her. with that, y/n turned around and went to the garden entrance.

PEACE AND &quot;QUIET&quot; ; kum junhyeonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن