First Kiss 💋

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  It was cold inside of his vehicle and Chaylyn felt herself tremble feeling the icy air kiss her skin

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  It was cold inside of his vehicle and Chaylyn felt herself tremble feeling the icy air kiss her skin. She would rub her hands on her arms and felt her teeth chatter behind her soft lips.

Once Matt turned on the car, he also turned on the heat. Glancing at Chaylyn, he could see her trembling and it can take a while for the heat to toast up the car. So Matt handed over his navy green jacket to her. 

Seeing him hand her the jacket, she shook her head "Oh no, Matt. I can't. You use that jacket for your entrances" she said as if she'll lose it.

Though Matt was very insisting about it "Come on, please? It's chilly tonight" he gives her his sweet sincere look in his eyes.

Chaylyn couldn't resist. He's just too adorable and so sweet. She wanted to just scream but she kept that in her mind.

So Chaylyn accepted his jacket and puts it on. His warmth in the jacket still remained. "Thank you" she spoke softly.

Matt smiles then soon began driving her back home.

   Meanwhile, when Chaylyn was saw that they were back. Parked outside her home. She turned to Matt "I had a great night with you" she said.

He grins "Hun, I feel the same way" keeping his eyes focused on her, Chaylyn met up to lock her eyes with his. 

Looking into his eyes is like getting lost into outer space, practically its like getting lost into the entire universe.

It was a strong connection that Chaylyn couldn't get out of, a very strong trance. Her heart became to beat rapidly, her skin felt hot and she can feel herself blushing. 

Then soon she broke the tension, she turned her head away and lowered her eyes feeling ashamed. "Uh.....I-I'm sorry.....Forgive me please...I'll just go......" she stammered a bit then got out of the car and walked around to get to the pavement, walking up to her house.

 Matt got out of his vehicle "Chaylyn. Wait." he went after her and gently turns her to him. 

Chaylyn became jumpy as she softly gasped under her breath. Finding herself facing back at him.

Matt's expression was sincerely serious while looking into her eyes. Complete silence fell between them. He reached his hand and lightly strokes her cheek.

Chaylyn was completely lost within these eyes of his and his touch kept her all calm like she's in a security blanket. 

Then the next thing she knew, Matt leans in little by little until his lips met up with hers and closed his eyes.

Chaylyn instantly felt her heart skip a beat, she was truly stunned. She always assumed that she'll never experienced her first kiss with Matt and now, she discovered that she was wrong. Chaylyn finally experienced her very first kiss. Her eyes were also shut and lets her hands grab onto his head, she kissed him back. 

She couldn't believe that this was really happening, she felt like the happiest girl in the world. Pulling back from the kiss, the two looked into each others eyes again. Chaylyn then knew right in this very moment, that she has fallen in love with a reborn superstar.

She smiles warmly while blushing "Goodnight..." she spoke out.

Matt grins back having that warm toasty feeling inside his chest and felt like he was complete. "Goodnight" he respond back softly then watched her head back in her house to make sure she got in alright.

From there, Matt smiled to himself and now went to go be on his way home for the night.

If you guys enjoyed this, be sure to move onto "In Love With A Reborn Superstar 2"

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