No More Loneliness ❤

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Backstage after the show

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Backstage after the show

Chaylyn was with Matt in his dressing room as Chaylyn was seated in a chair. "I'm so happy that you got the chance to defeat Will Ospreay for the first time ever. I actually thought that you were a goner there. But you caught me by surprise.." She said as she felt so proud of him.

Matt was in the mini shower room but the door was slightly open so that she could hear him. "Yeah, well with the tricks that are up my sleeve, I tend to take people by surprise." He spoke out as he washed his hair and body up well then let's the warm water run down his perfect physique.

Chaylyn giggles softly to his response then tucks her short brunette hair behind her ear. Matt then stops the shower and took a towel to dry himself up then wrapped it around his waist. "Uh..Chaylyn? I know you've seen me shirtless a couple of times but I hope you don't mind me coming out with only a towel? I promise I will not flash myself to you" he assured to her.

Chaylyn's heart began racing so fast, yeah of course she seen him shirtless but see him only in a towel? That level was a bit different. Though Chaylyn did giggle softly to his promise, the way he said it was amusing to her as well as cute. "No, not at all...But errm....Uhh....." She then bit her lower lip.

Matt came out the shower room with the towel wrapped around his waist. Chaylyn's mouth slightly hung open seeing his toned chest and abs, he was so very sexy. His V line even showed too, Chaylyn began to blush so very much too, her cheeks were just as red as Rudolph's nose. Matt has well built tone to his body, she kept starring at him. Matt picked up his grey brief boxers from his bag and went to carefully put it on without removing his towel. Matt stroked back his short dark hair which is damp.

Removing the towel, he grins softly while he sat down and puts his socks on then got back up to put on his jeans. Though Chaylyn is only 23, she has never felt this way with a guy her age. She wasn't really feeling it with guys that are her age or a year younger or two. Most of them were too stupid and immature to her. But with Matt? That's a whole different story, he maybe 33, but he's so down to earth, kind and mature, not to mention, so very attractive. "Matt, can I ask you a personal question?" Chaylyn tilted her head at him.

Matt had on his jeans and got his shirt to put it on. "Yeah! Sure, what is it?" He asked so sweetly. When his shirt is now on, his cute smile appears as he kindly waited. Chaylyn softly clears her throat "How come you don't have a girlfriend?..." She asked him. She really wanted to know but didn't want to sound too obvious.

Matt hesitated for a brief moment as it seemed hard to explain at first. He took a deep breath "I'm not going to lie, I have been and slept with different girls from the past years. Though every single one I been with were not right for me..Not only that but my traveling has affected them. Most of them complain saying that my career is worthless.....Not to mention, they also said that I'm nothing but a selfish 'player'...Like what does that even suppose to mean?...So they just run off with someone else. I pretty much fail at intimate relationships.. Especially when it comes to something so personal...." He explained and sighs shaking his head a bit.

Chaylyn thought the girls were so very stupid, wrestling is Matt's career! What the hell do they expect? For him to stay for their needs? That got Chaylyn feeling a bit irritated about the past girls he's been with. "Why didn't they offered to go travel with you if they hated the idea of you leaving?.." She asked. Matt sighed again "They either tell me that they can't travel and make up excuses, like for instance, 'their feet hurt'...." Said Matt.

Chaylyn shook her head "Oh wow....What dumb bitches....." She said. She then made a slightly puzzled look "Your career isn't even worthless at all!! Look what you've accomplished!! You have done this since you were only a boy!! Practically!! These girls don't appreciate hard work, Matt.....They're nothing but thirsty needy whores...They're too spoiled.... You don't need them" Chaylyn said shaking her head.

Matt nodded "True" he said with a soft, gentle grin. Sighing again, Matt shoved his hands in his pockets "But it's pretty difficult to only cope with being alone sometimes...." He said. "I'm afraid that if I start a relationship... I'll disappoint them and break promises.....Just about the only thing that I'm a huge failure to...." Matt frowns a bit. That got to Chaylyn, she had so much sympathy for what he had to deal with out or after wrestling.

Though, Chaylyn felt strongly positive that it didn't have to be that way for Matt anymore. "Well....You're not a failure in my eyes, Matt....You were never a failure..... In fact. What if I were to tell you that you won't be alone no more?.." Chaylyn asked with an uncertain expression .

Matt glances over at her "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean that you don't have to be well....Alone.....I.....I'm not like these girls, Matt....I'm more patient than them....And....More loyal...To me...Loyalty is what stands out the most and its a beautiful thing...I can travel with you sometimes..Not all the time cause I do work as a waitress and I need the money. But I can definitely travel with you when I have days off from the restaurant. What do you think?" Chaylyn asked.

Matt studies her eyes and knew right away that she really was being serious and of course is supportive 100% with his wrestling career. There was something special he saw about Chaylyn that he hasn't seen in other girls. A soft, warm grin appeared on his face "Alright..I like the sound of that" he said softly to her. Chaylyn stares at him for a brief moment, she pictured herself getting close to Matt and thought of going up to him.

So she stood up. Chaylyn got up and stood right in front of him as if she was in a powerful trance. There's was definitely a connection, she could feel it. Chaylyn looked deep into his hazel brown eyes for a bit as she almost got lost into the abyss from his gaze. She gently placed her right hand onto his shoulder. Chaylyn wanted to go kiss his lips so badly, so very badly but she was nervous at the same time to do it, she decided not to do it. Instead, she gave him a hug. Matt wrapped his arm around Chaylyn, embracing her gently and didn't let go. Chaylyn didn't let go either.

Her ear was pressed up against his chest and could hear the beat of his heart. Chaylyn really did felt safe with Matt though she didn't make the move which is why she just stuck with a hug instead. The more she stays around Matt, the more strong her feelings for him gets. The night was still young and Chaylyn smiles "So back to the hotel then?" She asked. Matt nods "Sure...After all, this ass kicking I received sure got the best of me" he spoke. Chaylyn giggled "Alrighty then" she said then the two of them left to head back to the hotel they had stood.


At the hotel room.
Matt was now all comfortable and ready for bed as he was only in his boxers and short sleeved T-shirt, there were two beds in the room so Matt and Chaylyn had their own beds for the night. Chaylyn was in her comfortable black shorts that shows off most of her silky smooth legs and a Duff tank top on that she got from Universal Studios a year ago. It was still new too. Chaylyn crawled into her own bed and tucks herself in as she lies on her side.

Matt was tucked in as well. Chaylyn reach her hand and turned off her lamp "Goodnight, Matt..." She said. Matt turned off his lamp too "Goodnight.." He responds then shuts his eyes to sleep. Chaylyn shuts her eyes to try to sleep, she tossed and turned for a few as she was having a hard time sleeping. She opened her eyes. She couldn't sleep. Chaylyn glances over to Matt at his side, seeing his back, he was sleeping on his left side. Chaylyn sighed, she couldn't stop gazing at him until she slowly got out of her bed to be in his bed.

She tucks herself in and snuggled up with Matt from behind and wrapped her arm around his waist. "I couldn't sleep...." She said. "I hope you don't mind if I sleep with you?.." She softly asked.

Matt looked over from the corner of his eyes and grins softly. He held onto her hand and felt comfortable with her company. "It's fine, hun...." He spoke softly then shuts his eyes again.

Chaylyn felt much better and so relaxed with his warmth and all. It eased her mind, she then felt her eyes began to grow weary until she managed to fall asleep. The two of them slept comfortably throughout the whole night with each other's company.

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