Matt Sydal Vs Ryusuke Taguchi

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The night at Japan.

Matt was all ready in his black and white designed wrestling attire wearing his  sydal jacket and wore his IWPG belt around his waist proudly. He waited in the back for a few minutes until his moment was now.

His theme song went off in the arena as the fans patiently waited for his entrance. Matt gently stroked his hair back a bit, took a deep breath and hops a bit as he felt pumped up for the match.

Soon he then made his way out from the back and made his way to the ring with his big, cheerful smile. Fans cheered for him as Matt was high on his up lifting spirits as he made his way. He then gave a high five to a fan holding a board with his last name on it.

Soon he then took a step back to make way to run and slid under the ropes of the ring. He then got on his feet, spun around then got on the ropes holding out a peace sign to the crowd then whipped a piece of hair that hung over his eyes and looked upon the crowd.

Matt steps off the rope and went in the center of the ring holding up a peace sign again then removed the belt off his waist holding it up as he smiles. Going to his corner and removed his jacket revealing his incredible toned body. Matt waited for his opponent Taguchi.

A theme song went off for a few as he soon saw Taguchi came out wearing shades as he had a big bird balloon over his shoulder and he plays a white recorder flute while he made his way. Fans cheered for him too and they were looking forward for tonight's match.

When Taguchi entered the ring and stood at his corner he then removed the big bird balloon off his shoulder, putting away his recorder and pulling off his shades. Matt was so pumped up and ready while he stretched at his corner then kept his focus on his opponent.

Taguchi removed his shirt then soon went over to extend his hand to Matt. In return, Matt gladly went over to shake his hand then got in position as the match then started.

Soon, the two men locked up for a split second then Taguchi grip onto Matt from behind but Matt took a hold of his wrist then reversed to be in the back as he gripped onto Taguchi's wrist firmly behind his back and kept a hold of it a few to then wrap one arm around his neck a did a takedown on Taguchi, slamming him down the mat while getting the hold of him a bit.

Though Taguchi managed to get back on his feet making Matt stand up. Matt eventually reversed again which he twists Taguchi's wrist once again as Taguchi then rolled on the ground of the ring and took Matt down by the foot causing Matt to fall back and Taguchi took him by the foot, putting a bit of pressure to his leg.

Matt attempted to put him in a submission hold by putting his arm around his neck but Taguchi applied more pressure to his leg then soon Matt got to pin him but Taguchi kicks out.

The two men got back up on their feet and stood on opposite corners while Matt shook the numbness away that was applied to his left foot and ganders over at his opponent. The fans applaud to how well their wrestling performance has been so far.  

Then they began squaring off again. The two athletes were exchanging counters and reversals to one another, attacking each others in corners and whatnot.

During the match, Taguchi was busted open near his right eye and began bleeding. Matt was leaning against the corner all breathless as Taguchi took Matt's arm pulling him and sends him to the opposite corner then charged at him.

But Matt countered it with a boot to his head causing Taguchi to tumble back a few steps. Matt ran then dove over him going under Taguchi attempting to pin him but Taguchi rolls back then dropkicks Matt making him lie down fully. Taguchi flips Matt onto his stomach and applied a firm ankle lock to him.

Matt screamed as he reached his hand out to the rope then drags himself closer and to get a hold of the rope. Which didn't work out so he stood on one foot hopping over to the other side then rolled sending Taguchi to hit the corner he was down for a moment.

 Meanwhile, the match kept going and Taguchi kept coming back up like a trooper. Matt kicked the back of Taguchi's left leg hard but he managed to hit Matt back. Then again, Matt kicks him once more. Taguchi gave Matt some hits to the head a few as Matt felt a bit wobbly.

Soon Matt kicks Taguchi's head. Matt ran to the ropes and back to Taguchi as he was going to pin him. That failed so Taguchi tempted to pin Matt down but he kicked out. Taguchi then got up taking some steps back and kicks Matt out the ring as he landed on the ground outside. Taguchi went to go over the ropes and onto the apron attempting to get Matt.

But Matt jumps up wrapping his legs around Taguchi's head and flipped causing him to land out on the ground. Though Matt hit his head after that. He gripped onto his head tightly and winced. The more intense the match gotten, the fans really got into it.

Soon back in the ring, Matt was going to do his Shooting Star Press finisher which he did. Eventually Taguchi has countered it by putting up his knee's. The two guys were exchanging reversals again and again. The match was down to the wire until Matt was down and Taguchi went for the pin getting the win. He won the match and Matt lost.

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