The Christmas Party 🎄

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All together at the dinner table, everyone was served a plate full of delicious food

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All together at the dinner table, everyone was served a plate full of delicious food. The table was quiet at first only the sound of silverware gently hitting against the plates, everyone took little bites at a time.

Except for uncle Doyle, he's a big guy and can't resist food. He loves food so he's the only one who is devouring his whole plate. Doyle is Ellie's eldest brother and for a living he's a security guard at a hospital but obviously he doesn't work tonight or through out the rest of the week.

Matt loved how the food was made and different than any other same traditional Christmas meals.

He looks over at Ellie "I got to tell you. This food taste amazing. Your a wonderful cook Mrs. Garcia" he spoke with great honesty.

Ellie was happy to know how good of a cook she is and smiled "Why thank you! I was actually taught by the best" Ellie told him then looks over at her husband.

Luis took a moment to chew then gulps down a piece of Turkey. "Si, I taught her how to cook when we were date together. And now she cook better than me" he said with amusement.

Doyle was all finished with his first serving of food and glances at Matt "So your a WWE wrestler huh? Tell me. What sport have you done when you were in high school?" he was all ears.

Matt wipes his mouth with a napkin then took a sip of his glass of wine. "Back in school I did Amature wrestling and I was the only short guy there. I got beaten up a lot in amature, these guys were crazy. I even received a bloody nose once during that" said Matt.

Ellie cringes as did Luis's mother Alma. "Ouch.." Ellie said.

Rodney thought it was cool, he is a 17 year old kid and is the son of Ellie's sister.
He has a dark faded crew cut and wearing glasses in the front of his dark eyes. He's a slender kid dressed in khaki slacks, blue and green sweater vest over a white dress shirt.

He almost looks like an academy student though really, he goes to a regular public school. He looks at Matt. "Is there ever a maneuver that you regret doing during a match?"

Matt had to think hard for this question and it was a pretty good one that he couldn't answer right away. He doesn't recall doing any moves he regretted so Matt shook his head "No actually. Not that I can recall of. That's actually the reason why us professionals train before going out to perform in the ring" he answered.

Rodney nods understanding his prospective.

Chaylyn glances at her cousin then at Matt "But you guys do make mistakes where it got to the point that your injured" she pointed out.

Matt agreed with her then looked at everyone "That is true. We do make mistakes but did we regret them? No. We take these risks for every single fans who came to the show and guys like me do whatever is necessary to give these fans a night to remember"

Luis gently shook his fork at him "That is a good point. I like it" then went back to eating his Pasteles.

Alma was looking at Matt for a minute then she spoke something to him in spanish.

Matt heard what she said though didn't understand. He glances over at Luis "What did she say?" he asked.

Luis was drinking his glass of coquito then sets it down. "My mother says that you have a nice smile"

Alma was right about that for sure because Chaylyn absolutely adores his adorable smile. It just makes her want to smile more often.

Matt was fond to hear that "Oh. Gracias!" he said. Alma let out a soft gentle laugh then leaned to the side just a bit to take a peek behind Matt then sat straight again and muttered something in spanish again but different.

It made Weslyn choke on her soda and looked over at her grandmother with a shocked look "GRANDMA!" she exclaimed out then bursts out laughing.

Chaylyn didn't quite heard what Alma said and didn't understood why Weslyn reacted the way she did so she asked "What did she say?"

Weslyn was all red from laughter and her eyes watered like crazy. She held onto her sides as it hurt.

She looks over at her sister "She said that Matt has a nice ass!" she spoke out and laughed some more.

Then Rodney chuckled along to it and uncle Doyle almost choked but he lets out a phlegmy cough instead. He did cover his mouth with a napkin though.

Luis looks over at his mother with shock. It wasn't too funny for Chaylyn because her grandma was right again. She wasn't lying. Matt does indeed has a nice ass, it's not flat or too bubbly, it is just perfect.

Matt blushes but mostly thought it was very funny. He laughs "Yeah well I do work out after all. I appreciate the compliment!" he said in a bright down to earth matter.

The family had a decent time talking at the table and learning about each other off the bat. Chaylyn's family already loved Matt, they grew very fond of him.

Everybody even danced to the music after dinner. They all had a chance to dance with one another and Chaylyn was really having fun.

There was even a moment where Alma got a chance to dance with Matt and it was funny. Mostly because she tried sneaking her hand down to pat his butt. It was so much fun with Chaylyn's family until it ended.

As uncle Doyle, her cousin Rodney, her grandmother Alma and her sister Weslyn left. Chaylyn and Matt were the last to say goodbye to Ellie and and Luis. Chaylyn gave her mom and dad a big loving hug for a good minute or so then pulled back.

Ellie smiled "It was nice having you here sweetheart" she spoke out warmly.

Chaylyn smiled back "And I'm glad that I attended to this family party" she said.

"Mira, I was happy when you came to join and see me and your mami again. This is the best night of my life to spend with family" Luis would say to his daughter.

Chaylyn had nothing else to say knowing how peaceful and happy she felt. She smiled some more "Thanks, papi" she softly spoke.

Matt then went over to Ellie and they both gave each other a nice hug. "It was wonderful meeting you Matt" she said.

"It was nice meeting you too Mrs. Garcia" Matt replied then went over and shook hands with Luis. "It was nice meeting you tonight Mr. Garcia" he said.

Luis felt honored to have him over the first time and that he's such this terrific guy to have a good conversation with. He smiled "Same with you Matt." he said then soon, Chaylyn and Matt walked across the street then got into the car together.

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