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The next day

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The next day

Chaylyn was at the mall with her sister Weslyn walking around the department store seeking for the right dress that Chaylyn could wear.

The aroma of fresh leather and expensive perfume roam the air while the two girls browsed around.

Weslyn went over to a section of dresses that her big sister might like. She picked one out and showed it to her "What do you think of this one?" She asked. It was a short velvet red colored dress which was made out of satin.

The way Chaylyn took a close glimpse at the dress she pictures herself wearing it but the thought made her cringe and just shook her head.

"I don't like it at all....My idea is to look nice, I'm not trying to look like a hooker. That thing also looks like a curtain... So no" Chaylyn spoke.

Weslyn puts away the dress then spotted another "How about this one?" She was holding up a short black flower print dress, it was pretty casual and cute.

Chaylyn wasn't so sure "Well...." She tilted her head having second thoughts about it. Though it was cute she wasn't much of a flower dresser.

"Oh come on! How can you deny this outfit? It would've look so cute on you!" Weslyn said almost in a pout.

Chaylyn pondered about the dress whether she want it or not. Soon she shook her head "Nahh...." She said.

Time passes on a few, most of the dresses that Weslyn showed, Chaylyn didn't like most of them. Some were too ugly and some came off as too revealing until they saw this one dress.

Weslyn said "Girl if you do not buy this I will go on a riot!" She picked it out. Which was this dress

Chaylyn carefully looks at it as she wasn't so convinced with it

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Chaylyn carefully looks at it as she wasn't so convinced with it. Chaylyn has always been so choosy and picky since she was a little girl.

The dress sort of came off as a bit revealing, she was having second thoughts on it. "Hmm...I don't know about this, Wes...." She said unsurely.

Weslyn sighs "Don't you want to impress Matt or nah?..." She asked.

Chaylyn nodded "Yeah, of course I do-"

"Then I highly suggest you take this one! It will go well with your skin tone and image!" Weslyn cuts in.

Chaylyn soon gave in "Fine.......I'll take the dress" she said then took it and went over to go buy it.

Meanwhile, early in the afternoon.

Chaylyn received a message from Matt saying that he's back in the US.

Chaylyn gets nervous a bit as she shook her hand "Ohh my gosh...Wes, he's back home...What am I going to say??.." She asked.

"Just ask him out on a date tonight! A date to a night club!" Weslyn suggested.

With the word "Night club" ringing in her ear, Chaylyn turned to her with wide eyes "A what??".

Weslyn nods "Yeah! Go on! Ask him! I think its a total hot spot for a date!" She highly insisted.

Chaylyn was quiet for a few. A night club? Really? She didn't like the idea so much since there are many strangers there.

"But.....There's always so much people there.........I don't know...." She said softly then felt down on herself.

Weslyn hugged her sister close with one arm "So what? You'll do fine there, especially with Matt! I guarantee it!" She assures her.

Chaylyn sighs "Okay.." Then began texting "Wanna go out with me to the night club?..." Then sends the message to him.

Already, Weslyn asked her sister "So what did he say?".

Chaylyn glances at her "Could you hold on just a second??..." She asked then waited for a few until Matt's reply came as it said

"Sure, hun. Want me to pick you up?"

Without hesitation, Chaylyn texts "Sure, that would be nice. Pick me up around 8:30 :)" then sends it.

Chaylyn smiles and felt so happy already "He's going to pick me up tonight!" She spoke with some thrill.

"Well then I better help doll you up then!" Weslyn said with a smile.

"Of course you will!" Chaylyn spoke then Matt's message appeared "Alright hun, I'll see you then". Chaylyn couldn't wait for Matt to come pick her up at night as well as feeling nervous. Other than that, she couldn't stop smiling.

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