The Un-Welcome

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The next day.

Chaylyn was knocked out asleep and has been sleeping in for a while until her alarm clock went off. She didn't bother getting up so instead she reached to press Snooze and eventually went back to sleep.

Chaylyn had a few minutes of sleep until her alarm clock went off again. She tossed and turned for a few and was annoyed with the sound of her alarm. It got her on her nerves, she even tried covering her ears with the pillow to block out the sound. No use that was.

So she forced herself to sit up and unplugged her clock as the sound now cut off. Peace and quiet once again. Her hair was a mess and she felt like a complete zombie. She was a bit in a grumpy mood.

All she wanted to do was just sleep all day, to drift away into her own little world. But no. She had to wake up for work.

So she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, her hair and splashed some warm water to her face and gently dry off. Then she went to put on her waitress uniform.

Before leaving, she took her dog out to do her business then took her back in to feed her. Soon she left home and went straight to work.


Later after the diner. Chaylyn was coming out from work and walked over to her car unlocking it then got in. She was about to turn on her vehicle but her phone went off.

"Who the hell?......." she muttered while taking out her phone and look to see. She finally received a message from Matt his text said 'Hey'.

Chaylyn looked confused, she felt slightly bothered about his message. She gandered at it carefully then shook her head as she was more puzzled by it.

"Hey??......That's it??...Just.....Hey??........." she said to herself then puts away her phone and didn't bother replying to him. So she turned the car on and drove home.

When she got back, Chaylyn sat down at the couch and turns the tv on to watch whatever was playing. She laid their as Mona jumped up to comfort her. She heard her phone go off again.

So she took out her phone seeing another message from Matt, his text said 'Hello?'. She sighs then sets it down beside her.

With each time passing, her phone kept going off. She kept receiving messages and it was all from Matt.

His texts were;

'Are you there?'

'Please answer when you get the chance'

'I need to talk to you..'

'Are you mad at me?..'

'Please don't ignore me'.


Chaylyn didn't answer him.

She doesn't want to talk to him, she was in no mood. Her phone kept going off every 20 minutes until she heard her phone ringing this time.

Chaylyn sat up and took her phone to see who was calling. It was Matt. She was begining to feel so fed up and had enough of it.

She got to the point where she swiped to decline the call then shut it off. After turning off her phone, Chaylyn then went to lie down on her leather couch and took a nap.

Time went on again and Chaylyn was still napping though that didn't last long because there suddenly was a knock at the door.

That woke her up. Chaylyn stretched her arms and yawned then got up to go make her way over to the door. Hearing that knock again, Chaylyn opens it, she had tired eyes.

Then she was fully awake on who she saw stood before her. It was none other than Matt Korklan (Sydal).

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