Info About Chaylyn

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She wasn't always so bright

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She wasn't always so bright.
As a teen, she wasn't so popular in her school either. Chaylyn only had some friends in her classroom, about 3 or 4 friends. She tend to be a very shy girl and suffers from social anxiety and she hates it.

There's a reason why Chaylyn became the way she is , the reason why she is so shy. Because of people. Rude and nasty people got her so shy.

As a little girl she was picked on by others in school, when her mom and dad has to go to work, they always drop her off at the babysitters house and she hated going there.

The babysitter was abusive and her parents didn't knew. Even older teenage kids didn't like to be looked at, not even for a split second. Chaylyn didn't know that it was bothering them, she was just a innocent kid at that time.

They give her dirty looks as they curse and scream "What are you looking at!??".

So many people hurt her. So, Chaylyn's courage went away and she barely made eye contact or talk to anyone since, except for her parents. She had a dream of wanting to wrestle for a living, she was lively inspired and intrigued by it. The very time Chaylyn fell in love with wrestling is when she was a baby, Chaylyn was almost 1 years old at the time. She was sitting at the bed while her mom vacuums. Wrestling was on TV.

Chaylyn loved it ever since. When she was a sophomore in highschool, almost a junior, she dropped out because her family decided to move down to the state of Florida.

Now she and her family have lived in Florida for a few years now. Now what's sad is that she basically ruined her own plans to become a wrestling star.

Chaylyn had a dream like any other girl, every girl had their dream come true, but not hers. She got no highschool diploma, no sporting experience nor even a job.

She have gone into depression with her being way behind. On the other hand, school has been a pretty big waste of time, the same goes with college.

She knew it was gullible of herself to be that way but she couldn't bare going through the whole beginning of starting over the freshman grade again. So instead, she studied for her GED at home and she studied so hard until Chaylyn finally earned her GED diploma. That's how she got her waitress job.

Some extra info; Chaylyn is actually Puerto Rican from her father's side but she doesn't speak much of her language because she was mainly raised in Albany NY and went to a special program school that everyone spoke English in so she adapted to that language the most which was easy for her.

She would understand majority of Spanish but and speak a little of it. She rarely speaks the language cause other Hispanics would laugh, poke fun and criticize so that got her to not speak it so much.

She is also is the niece of Lilian Garcia, an announcer who use to work for WWE. But she doesn't discover this until way later on in this series.

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