Chapter 57: Were Family

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Rosè Yang was a dark stain in their marriage, the thing they wanted to erase the most. Due to the immense pressure to fully seal their family's alliance by producing an heir, Rosè Yang had been conceived after a night of nonconsensual sex.

On the other hand, Yang Yuna was the light and blessing of their marriage. She was born from love and a night of pure consent. Unlike Rosè Yang who grew up surrounded by her father's indifference and her mother's animosity, Yuna was cherished and showered with adoration. She was the constant reminder that their marriage eventually worked out in the end. Yuna was the child they were supposed to have.

Perhaps that was why Rosè Yang walked down such a dark path. She mimicked what she saw when she was younger. When Jeong Jaehyun was out with Chou Tzuyu, Rosè Yang sat in the same chair as her mother, mixing wine and antidepressants until she was too numb to feel anything. Growing up in a world filled with darkness, scheming against Chou Tzuyu came naturally.

Her sister inherited the good, she inherited the bad. And when she was cast out of the family, Yuna watched on from the pedestal their parents put her on. It wasn't a surprise Rosè abandoned her family. Why care for someone that never cared for you? To her, the only family left is her grandfather.

When Rosè Yang received the message from the front desk, she paused. This was the first time they came to her house. She had been back in the city for a few months already, but neither of her family members, except her grandfather, came to visit her.

Ever since Yang Yuna's banquet, she had completely refused to pick up the phone whenever anyone from her so-called family calls. She knew that they were only badgering her to find out whether the headlines about her and Park Jimin were true.

They saw how overprotective he was of her, regardless of her reputation. It was ironic that they were now calling themselves her family when they stood there and did nothing as Jeong Jaehyun used violence against her.

Her grandfather had not seen any potential in any of his children, hence, none of them inherited a powerful position within Yang Corporation. She knew her father would want to use her connection with the CEO of Park Enterprise to boost himself above his siblings.

She wasn't hopeful, nor did she try to comfort herself with lies. She faced the harsh reality that neither of her family members would associate with her unless it would benefit them. What good was there in meddling with a discarded and useless woman?

Rosè Yang wanted to make sure Bang Jina and Yang Wenjin heard the next thing she was going to say. She pressed the button that would allow the receptionist and the guests to hear what she was saying.

"Parents?" The word seemed foreign to Rosè Yang. Did she have parents in the first place? She saw them as nothing but sperm and egg donors.

She laughed. The sound was so cold, it blew blowing an icy gust of wind into the warm lobby.

"I don't have parents." The sound of Rosè Yang's desolate voice seemed lifeless and empty. It was completely different from her usual haughty detachment that even Bang Jina and Yang Yuna couldn't help but shiver.

The receptionist was quick to recover. "My apologies for disrupting you. I will have security escort these imposters out-"

Slamming his hand onto the desk, his voice was filled with uncontrollable rage. "You disrespectful rascal! How dare you speak to your father like that? Have you lost your damn mind?!" His roared over the desk, the sound like a mighty lion awakening from his slumber.

One could tell Yang Wenjin had lost his patience. He pushed the receptionist aside to speak to Rosè Yang. His voice was so loud and commanding, the receptionist nearly trembled.

Even Yuna and her mother were frightened by the voice. Yang Wenjin was known to be bad-tempered, but when it came to his family, he was more lenient with them. Even Rosè Yang had almost never heard him raise his voice this loud. The last time he did was when he caught wind that Jeong Jaehyun was going to break his engagement with his daughter for a mere secretary.

While Bang Jina and Yang Yuna quivered and shook at the frightening voice, Rosè Yang remained passive. Her face was calm, almost nonchalant when she heard him. Shouldn't the harsh scolding of her father scare her?

"Why, Mr. Yang, I have indeed lost my mind. I'm glad you've realized." She replied, her voice as detached as it had always been.

Everyone was surprised to hear her composed voice. If she flinched or hesitated, it didn't show.

Yang Wenjin was so shocked by the blatant disrespect, his mind suddenly went blank. Did he hear correctly? This wench actually called him by his surname, instead of a parental title?!

It was as if a cold bucket of water was tossed onto him. He realized his daughter truly had stopped caring for him or his reputation. It seemed that having no contact with any of them the past two years had made her bold and confident of her abilities. Did she forget what he could do and the people he could command to destroy her?

"Per protocol of Sky Arc Complex, please escort the strangers out of the building. I have no relations with them." Rosè Yang ended the call before any of them could even protest.

When Yang Yuna saw her father's expression instantly turn eerily calm, her eyes flickered with surprise. She knew the expression all too was the face that thirsted for blood, hidden by a veil of blatant serenity.

Mr. Tycoon's Woman||PJ&RP ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz