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It is the day people choose to reminisce, see all that they have and say thanks for, also the day where all family gather and drive each other insane but all out of love.

"Cassie!" Pamela yells.

"Mom no need to holler I was coming."

"Every year with you."

"What are you talking about? Every year?" She ask her mother.

"This is not how you cook. You don't put food on the stove then just walk away."

"That is not what I did mother." Cassie say back to her mom, rolling and snapping neck in a jokingly way. "I had went to the bathroom and was washing my hands when you called me, I was coming right back. This kitchen is full of people it's not like someone was going to sit here and watch it burn."

"That's not the point, the point is you never leave a pot unattended."

"Okay mother I am sorry, it will never happen again."

"You and that sarcastic mouth of yours young lady, It's gonna get you into trouble one of these days."

"Really? Has it got you into trouble yet? Because...." Cassie say pointing to her mother. "She get it from her mama."

With them both laughing Pamela respond, "You did not get that from me."

"Guys! Mom! Cassie! Please, come-on every year with you two in the same kitchen, this is not how we show being thankful." Brittney yells at her mother and sister.

"Okay Brittney. This is also the day of tradition and that is what we are giving you." Cassie say back to her sister, going over to the stove turning off the burner. They end it there laughing it off.

"Ladies!" Jordan now entering the kitchen along with Brent, Liberty's younger brother.

"No. Your not getting by." Cassie tell him, pointing towards the door with a wooden spoon in her hand.

"Whatever do you mean sister of mine."

"Oh. Please. You trying it, we were just talking about bad traditions. You always come in the kitchen claiming some ridiculous reason, then your caught with a mouth full of food. To think, this time you're not alone, your rubbing off your bad behavior on a new member of the family."

"Cassie stop shaming my husband. Your helping in the embarrassment of the family and scaring Brent and his mother from  coming to anymore of our families functions."

Glady's laughs, "Everyone is fine, I enjoyed myself at the reception and I am right now. We're all family and if you can't be yourself around family then who. Wait until it's our turn and everyone comes there. I'm loving being the new member no hardcore cooking for me during the holidays. This year  just a couple of my home made bake apples pies, no reason to complain." 

"Whatever. It don't matter, we gone any way. Deuces." Jordan says with two fingers, only to reach the door having to turn back around.

"Mama duce!" Jordan calls for Pamela. 

"Jordan stop yelling I taught you better then that." His mother Rebecca say. 

KINCAID'S CHRONICLES- BOOK ONE CRUEL SUMMERKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat